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Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 Review

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5, a part of Adobe Creative Suite 5.5, is an application used to help you create, design, and develop your own personal website. With the help of Adobe,…

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How Content Management Systems affect Web Designers

Content Management Systems (CMS) are growing extensively around the internet. They allow a vast amount of storage with the addition of tremendous functionality and customization. CMS is the next step…

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Setting Up an eCommerce Website With Ease

Building and maintaining a successful ecommerce site can be a difficult task for the average internet user, especially if you have never even set up a regular website before. Nonetheless…

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A Closer Look at PHPCow

PHPCow is one of the many open-source content management systems powered by the widely used PHP language. This particular CMS is geared more towards users who want to create online…

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A New CMS for ASP.NET Lovers

The market for ASP.NET CMS products is expanding rapidly.  Users now have another option for blending content management and the power of ASP.NET with Webaptive.  Just released by developer Striquent,…

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Textpattern: The Text-Friendly CMS

In World Wide Web years, TextPattern is a mature CMS that has been around in alpha and beta versions since 2001 and finally distributed under the GNU GPL in 2004. …

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Digitalus CMS Review

Released in August of 2008, the Digitialus content management system is a relatively new player in the open-source CMS market. Version 1.5 recently hit the scene and sparked developers’ attention…

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Joomla or Drupal? Which CMS is for You?

Many people have turned to the CMS to build and manage their dynamic sites.  When it comes to content management systems, there are several to choose from, but two are…