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How to Tell If a Domain Name Is Valuable

2 minutes 1 comments
Web Hosting Geek

Finding the right domain name for your website is a crucial aspect of beginning a successful online endeavor, regardless of the industry or niche you choose to pursue. The domain name is effectively your online brand, and is the name that your site visitors will remember when discussing your website with friends. Although the majority of excellent domain names have been registered already, there are still many available, and with the right techniques it is possible to find valuable domain names relatively easily. Unfortunately, the majority of novice webmasters choose domain names for all the wrong reasons. The following paragraphs describe the process of determining whether a domain name is actually valuable.

Keywords and SEO Attributes

The best way to find a domain name that carries intrinsic value is to look for names that contain popularly searched for keywords. These domains have the potential to generate web traffic instantly, with minimal effort required on behalf of the webmaster. Domain names that contain keywords are usually referred to as “exact match domains”, and are by far the most desirable. Exact match domains give webmasters the ability to instantly capitalize on organic search engine traffic, without having to perform all of the usual SEO tasks. Some domains that have recently expired also retain SEO attributes like backlinks and PageRank. Purchasing recently expired domains is also a good way to find valuable domains, as these domains were probably registered by webmasters for a specific reason.

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Commerciality and Profitability

Another aspect to consider is the commerciality of the domain name. While finding exact match domains is a good first step, it wouldn’t make much sense if the keyword is not a “buying” keyword. In other words, some keywords are likely to be typed into a search engine when an individual is looking to purchase an item, while other keywords are more likely to be used when an individual is simply looking for free information. For example, the domain name “”would not be nearly as profitable as “”, since the latter is quite obviously a keyword that an individual would use when they were looking to purchase a sports bike, and would therefore be capable of generating more advertising and sales revenue.

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Memorability and Relevance

A domain name should also be memorable and relevant to the niche, as this will boost the return rates of site visitors. An alternative method to using exact match domains is to register a domain name that broadly covers the entire niche, so that the site can be populated with content that contains various keywords relative to that industry. This ultimately allows the webmaster to focus on a broader range of keywords and solicit more web traffic in the long-term. However, this method of domain registration usually requires more work on behalf of the webmaster, as they will have to put forth effort to establish the site as an authority site before it will rank effectively for a multitude of keywords.

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