Dimitri Nek

Dimitri is a Linux-wielding geek from Newport Beach and a server optimization guru with over 20 years of experience taming web hosting beasts. Equipped with an arsenal of programming languages and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Dimitri conquers website challenges and scales hosting mountains with unmatched expertise. His vast knowledge of industry-leading hosting providers allows him to make well-informed recommendations tailored to each client's unique needs.

What is Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)?

In networking and server management, understanding routing protocols is crucial for anyone looking to grasp the intricacies of data packet movement. One such protocol that stands out is the Open…

load balancer web server

What is Load Balancing in Web Hosting?

The performance of a web server not only affects user experience but also impacts your website’s visibility on search engines. One of the key technologies that ensure optimal performance is…

secure protected webserver

What is TLS? Transport Layer Security Explained

Today, security and privacy has become a crucial aspect of all online interactions, transactions, and data transfers. Among the many tools and protocols that ensure such security, the Transport Layer…

User Datagram Protocol

What is User Datagram Protocol (UDP)?

In the digital world, the transmission of data across networks is a fundamental process that enables the functioning of the internet as we know it. One of the key protocols…


What is IP Hash?

In networking and data communication, understanding the various methods used for load balancing is crucial. One such method is IP Hash, a technique that plays a vital role in distributing…


What is Least Connections?

In network management, ensuring efficient distribution of network traffic is paramount. One of the strategies employed to achieve this is load balancing. Among the various load balancing algorithms, the Least…


What is Jitter in Networking?

In the world of networking, the term “jitter” is often thrown around, but what does it really mean and why does it matter? In this article, we will explore the…


What is Latency in Web Hosting and Networking?

Understanding the concept of latency is crucial for anyone involved in web hosting, networking, or simply using the internet. It’s a term that directly impacts your online experience, whether you’re…


What is Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)?

In the digital world, effective communication is the key to success. One such communication enabler is the Transmission Control Protocol, a standard that defines how to establish and maintain a…


What is Packet Loss?

In the digital world, the smooth flow of information is crucial. Whether you’re streaming your favorite show, participating in a high-stakes online gaming match, or conducting an important video conference,…