Why Office 365 Is a Better Choice for Your Business
After more than two years in the field discussing and implementing Office 365 and Google Apps, trying to decide between the pros and cons of both, I can say that…
Why Office 365 Is a Better Choice for Your Business
After more than two years in the field discussing and implementing Office 365 and Google Apps, trying to decide between the pros and cons of both, I can say that…
Characteristics of an Excellent Support Engineer
Many support engineers think that having the best technical knowledge is everything they need to get going in their business life. Are they so wrong? At a first glance, maybe…
End User Support: Excuses From The Userland
No matter where you worked in IT support – enterprise, remote, online, consultant, friend, whatever – you have heard many excuses from the end users. When you thought that you…
Change How You Think About the Level 1 Support: No Down Payment, Immediate Returns
Everything is changing and so is the IT department. Not only the focus, but also the users. Add the constant pressure of doing more with less and understaffing (about half)…