Red Hat

Red Hat JBoss EAP Logo

What is Red Hat JBoss EAP and How Does it Work?

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) is a middleware platform that provides a robust, scalable, and secure environment for building and deploying enterprise Java applications. It’s built on open…


Clean Your YUM Out!

YUM is a package manager and updater service for Red Hat Linux, and if you’re part of the Red Hat Network, you’re likely already using the offering to keep your…

Choosing Between cPanel and Plesk

Choosing Between cPanel and Plesk

If you’ve been into web hosting long, you may know of all the different control panels. You know their nuances and differences, as well as the strengths of each: But…

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cPanel Then and Now

cPanel is an award-winning control panel you will find offered in numerous web hosting plans.  Its web-based Graphical User Interface is designed to provide users with the ability to handle…