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Introducing Cold Fusion Hosting

Now an Adobe product, Cold Fusion is one of the most powerful programming languages available.  As a server-side scripting technology, it is used to create dynamic web pages and applications,…

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Hosting Considerations for E-commerce

When it comes to e-commerce, one must take several factors in consideration.  Apart from deciding what market you want to tackle and thinking of ways to promote the business, you…

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Why Hackers Hack Websites

Security experts and various studies reveal that website hacking is definitely on the rise. Today’s hackers are more advanced than ever before, often working together in close-knit communities trading tips…

Determining Your Niche Market

If you plan to start an E-commerce business, one of the first things you need to decide on is a niche market.  A niche market is simply a group of…

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Keeping Your Profits Intact

Although thousands of new business websites are going up everyday, not everyone is succeeding with E-commerce.  Many people who lose out on sales and end up failing do so for…

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Outsourcing for E-Commerce

As your online business achieves success and continues to grow, it may get to a point where you are no longer able to physically package and distribute your products.  When…

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SSL for Your Online Store

E-commerce has taken off for one reason: it gives millions of people the opportunity to generate consistent streams of income online.  However, making money with E-commerce is virtually impossible when…

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Preventing Fraud on Your E-commerce Site

There are many opportunities for making money online.  However, fraud is one of the biggest problems facing the internet today and should be a major concern for anyone running an…

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What You Need in E-commerce Hosting

E-commerce is a term that has become synonymous with online business as millions of people are opening up their own storefronts on the Internet.  As the web is now populated…