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Use Captcha To Keep Spammers At Bay

One of the first and most annoying things that can happen to a new web site owner is being blasted with spam.  There is a dilemma presented when wanting to…

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Making Search Engine Traffic a Priority

Most online marketing approaches are risky and unfortunately, many of them will not result in the increased website traffic you desire.  Today’s internet marketing firms will try to sell you…


The Benefits of Secure Email Hosting

Modern email hosting plans designed for businesses that cannot or simply do not want to spend their precious time and resources on setting up and managing an internal messaging infrastructure….

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Why Hackers Hack Websites

Security experts and various studies reveal that website hacking is definitely on the rise. Today’s hackers are more advanced than ever before, often working together in close-knit communities trading tips…

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The Dangers of Insecure Web Applications

Software can be used for many great things but there is a gloomy dark side.  It also comes in the form of malicious programs and the web is literally infested…

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How to Find Secure Shared Hosting

If you are looking to save money on building and managing a website, shared hosting may be the way to go. Shared hosting is incredibly affordable these days, so much…

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Domain Keys in the Fight Against Phishing

Anybody with an email address is likely to have countless amounts of phishing messages in their inbox, and they may not even realize it.  This type of threat usually doesn’t…

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Ensim

Control panel software is a main fixture in today’s web hosting packages. These programs are very important as they give you the ability to manage the essential features of your…