What is H2O Web Server? [Explained in Simple Terms]

Quick intro to H2O, a high-performance, event-driven HTTP server, is known for its speed and HTTP/2 support. This guide delves into H2O's architecture, features, and comparison with other servers, along with installation, configuration, security, and optimization tips.

17 minutes 0 comments
Dimitri Nek
Dimitri Nek
Web Hosting Geek

H2O Web Server Logo

In the world of web server software, H2O has emerged as a powerful and efficient option. This high-performance, event-driven HTTP server is written in C and is known for its speed and HTTP/2 support. As the digital world continues to evolve, the need for efficient and reliable web server software has never been more critical. This is where H2O comes into play.

According to W3Techs, H2O is used by less than 0.1% of all the websites whose web server we know, and all of these websites are using version 2 of H2O. Data from BuiltWith provides a more detailed view of H2O’s usage. As of now, there are 2,828 live websites using H2O, with an additional 19,284 sites that used H2O historically. The majority of these websites are based in the United States, with 1,591 websites currently using H2O.

Although this might seem like a small percentage, it’s important to note that H2O is relatively new in the market compared to other web servers like Apache or Nginx.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the world of H2O. We will explore its architecture, key features, and how it compares to other web servers. We will also guide you through the installation and configuration process, discuss its security features, and provide tips for optimizing H2O for better performance.

Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways:

  • H2O is a high-performance, open-source web server software developed by Kazuho Oku and contributors. It’s known for its speed, efficiency, and support for advanced web protocols like HTTP/2 and HTTP/3.
  • H2O’s architecture is designed for speed and efficiency. It uses an event-driven model, which allows it to handle multiple requests concurrently with minimal resource usage. It also supports advanced features like server push and prioritized content delivery.
  • H2O is versatile and can be used in various environments, including Linux, Windows, and cloud platforms. It also works well with different content management systems, making it a flexible choice for many web hosting scenarios.
  • When compared to other popular web servers like Nginx, Apache, IIS, and LiteSpeed, H2O holds its own, particularly in terms of performance and efficiency. However, each server has its strengths and ideal use cases.
  • The future of H2O looks promising, with ongoing development and improvements. It’s well-positioned to adapt to future trends in web server technology, including increased emphasis on performance, efficiency, and security.

What is H2O?

H2O is an open-source web server software that is designed to provide a high level of performance, especially when handling HTTP/2 traffic. It is written in C and is known for its event-driven architecture, which allows it to handle multiple requests concurrently without the need for multiple threads or processes.

This makes H2O highly efficient in terms of memory and CPU usage.

Brief History and Development of H2O

H2O was first released in 2014 by Kazuho Oku, a software engineer with a background in developing network applications. The primary motivation behind the development of H2O was to create a web server that could fully leverage the capabilities of the HTTP/2 protocol, which was still new at the time.

Over the years, H2O has seen consistent updates and improvements, with a strong focus on performance and efficiency.

Importance and Role of H2O in Web Hosting

In the world of web hosting, the choice of web server software can have a significant impact on the performance and reliability of hosted websites. H2O, with its focus on high performance and efficient resource usage, can be an excellent choice for web hosting environments where these factors are critical.

Moreover, H2O’s robust support for HTTP/2 can provide additional benefits in terms of speed and efficiency. HTTP/2 allows for features like request multiplexing and header compression, which can significantly improve the performance of websites, especially those with a large number of resources or high traffic.

Overall, while H2O may not be as widely used as some other web server software, it offers unique advantages that can make it an attractive option for certain web hosting scenarios.

How Does H2O Work?

At its core, H2O uses an event-driven model to handle HTTP requests. This means that instead of creating a new thread or process for each incoming request (as is the case with traditional thread-based or process-based servers), H2O uses a single thread to handle multiple connections concurrently. This is achieved by using non-blocking I/O operations and an event loop, which listens for events (such as incoming requests) and responds to them as they occur.

When a request comes in, H2O first parses the request and then passes it to the appropriate handler based on the request’s method (GET, POST, etc.) and the requested resource’s URI. The handler then processes the request and sends a response back to the client.

Architecture of H2O

H2O’s architecture is designed to fully leverage the capabilities of the HTTP/2 protocol. One of the key features of HTTP/2 is multiplexing, which allows multiple requests and responses to be sent concurrently over a single TCP connection. H2O’s event-driven model is ideally suited to handle this kind of concurrent processing.

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In addition to its core HTTP server functionality, H2O also includes a number of modules that provide additional features, such as reverse proxying, URL rewriting, and TLS encryption. These modules can be enabled or disabled as needed, allowing for a high degree of customization.

Key Features and Capabilities of H2O

H2O comes with a range of features that enhance its performance and versatility. Some of the key features include:

  • Full support for HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2: H2O can handle both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 traffic, allowing it to serve a wide range of clients.
  • Event-driven architecture: This allows H2O to handle multiple connections concurrently with minimal resource usage.
  • FastCGI support: H2O can interface with FastCGI servers, allowing it to serve dynamic content.
  • TLS support: H2O supports TLS encryption, providing secure communication between the server and clients.

Advanced Features and Capabilities of H2O

In addition to its key features, H2O also offers a number of advanced capabilities that further enhance its performance and flexibility:

  • Server Push: H2O supports HTTP/2 server push, a feature that allows the server to send resources to the client proactively, potentially improving page load times.
  • OCSP Stapling: This feature allows the server to send certificate status information to the client during the TLS handshake, reducing the time required to establish a secure connection.
  • Dynamic Content Compression: H2O can compress dynamic content on the fly, reducing bandwidth usage and improving response times.
  • HTTP/2 Prioritization: H2O supports HTTP/2 stream prioritization, which allows the server to send more important resources first, improving the perceived performance of web pages.
  • Load Balancing: H2O includes built-in support for load balancing. This feature allows H2O to distribute incoming requests across multiple backend servers, improving the overall capacity and reliability of your web service.
  • TLS Session Resumption: This feature allows clients to reuse the security parameters of a previous TLS session, reducing the time and resources required to establish a secure connection.
  • WebSockets Support: H2O supports the WebSocket protocol, which provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. This is particularly useful for real-time web applications.
  • Rate Limiting: H2O provides a mechanism for controlling the rate of requests that a client can make in a given amount of time. This can help protect your server against DoS attacks.
  • Access Logging: H2O includes a flexible and configurable access logging mechanism. This can be invaluable for monitoring your server’s activity and troubleshooting problems.

Pros and Cons of H2O

While H2O offers a range of impressive features and capabilities, it’s important to consider both its strengths and weaknesses when deciding whether it’s the right web server for your needs.

Strengths of H2O Weaknesses of H2O
Superior performance due to its event-driven architecture and full support for HTTP/2. Increased complexity due to its advanced features and flexibility, which can be challenging for beginners.
Efficient handling of a large number of concurrent connections with minimal resource usage. Technical documentation that might be difficult for beginners to understand.
High degree of customization thanks to its modular design. Smaller community support compared to more established web servers.
Availability of advanced features like load balancing, rate limiting, and dynamic content compression. Potential compatibility issues with certain software and environments.

Advantages and Unique Strong Points of H2O

H2O has several advantages that make it a strong contender in the web server market:

  • Performance: H2O’s event-driven architecture and full support for HTTP/2, including features like multiplexing and server push, make it highly efficient and fast. This can lead to improved response times and a better user experience.
  • Efficiency: Thanks to its event-driven model, H2O can handle a large number of concurrent connections with minimal CPU and memory usage. This makes it a good choice for high-traffic websites and applications.
  • Flexibility: H2O’s modular design allows for a high degree of customization. You can enable or disable modules as needed to tailor the server to your specific requirements.
  • Advanced Features: H2O offers a range of advanced features not found in all web servers, such as load balancing, rate limiting, and dynamic content compression.

Disadvantages and Vulnerabilities of H2O

Despite its strengths, there are also some potential downsides to using H2O:

  • Complexity: While H2O’s advanced features and flexibility are a strength, they can also add complexity. This can make H2O more challenging to configure and manage, especially for users who are new to web server administration.
  • Documentation: While H2O’s documentation is comprehensive, it can be technical and difficult to understand for beginners. This could potentially slow down the learning curve for new users.
  • Community Support: As a relatively new and less widely used web server, H2O doesn’t have as large a community or as many third-party resources as some other web servers. This could potentially make it harder to find help or solutions to problems.
  • Compatibility: While H2O supports a wide range of protocols and features, it may not be fully compatible with all software and environments. This could potentially limit its usefulness in certain scenarios.

Versatility of H2O

H2O’s design and features allow it to adapt to a variety of environments and work seamlessly with different content management systems. This versatility makes it a viable choice for a wide range of web hosting scenarios.

H2O in Different Environments (Linux, Windows, Cloud)

H2O is platform-agnostic and can be installed on any Unix-like operating system, including Linux and macOS. While there is no official support for Windows, it is possible to run H2O on Windows using a compatibility layer like Cygwin or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

In a cloud environment, H2O can be deployed on any cloud platform that supports the operating systems H2O runs on. Its efficiency and scalability make it well-suited to cloud hosting, where resources can be quickly scaled up or down based on demand.

H2O with Different CMS

H2O can serve static content directly and can also work with FastCGI servers to serve dynamic content. This means it can be used with any CMS that supports FastCGI, such as WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla.

However, it’s important to note that the performance and compatibility of H2O with a particular CMS can depend on various factors, including the CMS’s architecture and the specific configuration of H2O. Therefore, it’s recommended to thoroughly test H2O with your chosen CMS in a staging environment before deploying it in a production environment.

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H2O vs Nginx, Apache, IIS, LiteSpeed

When choosing a web server, it’s important to consider how different options compare. Here, we’ll look at how H2O stacks up against Nginx, Apache, Microsoft IIS, and LiteSpeed.

H2O Nginx Apache IIS LiteSpeed
Key Advantages High performance, efficient, flexible High performance, stable, wide range of features Highly customizable, wide range of modules Integrated with Windows, user-friendly interface, strong .NET support High performance, easy setup and management
Performance High High Variable Variable High
Efficiency High High Variable Variable High
Flexibility High High High Medium Low
Complexity High High Medium Low Low

Strengths and Weaknesses of Each

H2O: As we’ve discussed, H2O’s strengths lie in its performance, efficiency, and flexibility. It’s particularly strong when it comes to handling HTTP/2 traffic. However, it can be complex to configure and manage, and its community support is smaller compared to more established servers.

  • Nginx: Known for its high performance and stability, Nginx excels at serving static content and handling a large number of concurrent connections. It also offers a wide range of features and is backed by a large community. However, it can be complex to configure, and its performance with dynamic content can be less impressive unless it’s used in conjunction with a backend server.
  • Apache: Apache is highly customizable and has a large, active community. It supports a wide range of modules and can handle a variety of tasks. However, it can be less efficient than other servers when handling a large number of concurrent connections.
  • IIS (Internet Information Services): IIS is fully integrated with the Windows ecosystem, making it a natural choice for Windows-based servers. It offers a user-friendly interface and strong support for .NET applications. However, it’s less efficient at handling high traffic loads compared to some other servers, and it’s not available for non-Windows platforms.
  • LiteSpeed: LiteSpeed is known for its speed and performance, particularly when serving dynamic content. It’s also easy to set up and manage. However, unlike the other servers mentioned here, it’s not free, which can be a barrier for some users.

Ideal Use Cases for Each

  • H2O: Ideal for high-traffic websites and applications that require efficient handling of concurrent connections, particularly those that can benefit from HTTP/2 features.
  • Nginx: Best suited for serving static content or as a reverse proxy server in front of another server that handles dynamic content.
  • Apache: A good choice for websites that require a high degree of customization or that need to support a wide range of protocols and features.
  • IIS: Ideal for Windows-based servers, particularly those running .NET applications.
  • LiteSpeed: A good option for websites that require high performance, particularly when serving dynamic content, and where cost is not a major concern.

Installation and Configuration of H2O

Setting up H2O involves a few key steps, from installation to basic configuration. Here’s a guide to get you started.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Install H2O

Installing H2O is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Update Your System: Before you begin, make sure your system is up to date. On a Linux system, you can do this with the command sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade.
  2. Install Build Dependencies: H2O has a few build dependencies that need to be installed. On Ubuntu, you can install these with the command sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake.
  3. Download H2O: Next, download the latest version of H2O from the official GitHub repository. You can do this with the command git clone https://github.com/h2o/h2o.git.
  4. Build H2O: Navigate to the H2O directory and build H2O with the commands cd h2o and cmake . && make.
  5. Install H2O: Finally, install H2O with the command sudo make install.

Explanation of Basic Configuration Settings for H2O

Once H2O is installed, you’ll need to configure it. H2O’s configuration is done through a YAML file, typically named h2o.conf. Here are a few key settings:

  • listen: This setting specifies the IP address and port that H2O will listen on. For example, listen: 8080 will have H2O listen on port 8080.
  • hosts: This section is used to define virtual hosts. Each host has a name, paths, and file.dir setting, which specify the hostname, URL paths, and document root, respectively.
  • file.index: This setting specifies the default file to serve when a directory is requested. The default value is index.html.
  • access-log: This setting specifies the location of the access log file.

Tips for Optimal Configuration of H2O

Here are a few tips to optimize your H2O configuration:

  • Use HTTP/2: H2O excels at handling HTTP/2 traffic. Make sure to enable HTTP/2 in your configuration to take advantage of this.
  • Enable Compression: Enabling compression can help reduce bandwidth usage and improve response times. H2O supports both gzip and brotli compression.
  • Tune TCP Parameters: Tuning TCP parameters like the send and receive buffers can help improve performance. Be sure to test any changes thoroughly to ensure they improve performance.
  • Use SSL/TLS: If you’re serving secure content, make sure to configure H2O with SSL/TLS. H2O supports both OpenSSL and LibreSSL.

Remember, always test your configuration changes in a staging environment before deploying them to production.

Security, Performance, and Optimization of H2O

Ensuring the security and performance of your web server is crucial. Here’s how H2O can help you achieve both.

Security Features of H2O

H2O comes with several built-in security features:

  • HTTP/2: H2O fully supports HTTP/2, which includes mandatory encryption, thus enhancing the security of data transmission.
  • TLS/SSL Support: H2O supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), providing secure communication over a network.
  • OCSP Stapling: H2O supports Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) stapling, which is a way for a server to check if a security certificate is revoked without requiring the client to make a request to the Certificate Authority.
  • Built-in DDoS Protection: H2O has built-in protection against slow read attacks, a type of DDoS attack.

Best Practices for Securing Your H2O Web Server

Here are some best practices for securing your H2O web server:

  • Keep H2O Updated: Always keep your H2O server updated to the latest version. This ensures that you have the latest security patches and updates.
  • Use Strong Encryption: Always use strong encryption (TLS 1.2 or higher) for your SSL/TLS certificates.
  • Limit Access: Restrict access to your server as much as possible. This can be done through firewall rules, IP whitelisting, or HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • Monitor Your Server: Regularly monitor your server logs for any suspicious activity.
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Tips for Optimizing H2O for Better Performance

Optimizing your H2O server can lead to better performance. Here are some tips:

  • Enable Compression: Enabling compression can reduce the size of your HTTP responses, leading to faster load times.
  • Use HTTP/2: As mentioned earlier, H2O excels at handling HTTP/2 traffic. Make sure to enable HTTP/2 in your configuration.
  • Tune TCP Parameters: Adjusting TCP parameters, such as the send and receive buffers, can help improve performance.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): If your website has a global audience, consider using a CDN to reduce latency.

Remember, always test your configuration changes in a staging environment before deploying them to production.

Troubleshooting H2O

Even with the best configuration and maintenance, you may encounter issues with your H2O web server. Here’s how to troubleshoot some common problems and where to find help.

Common Issues in H2O and How to Resolve Them

Issue: H2O Fails to Start

If H2O fails to start, the first place to check is the error logs. The logs will often contain detailed information about what went wrong. Common issues include port conflicts (another service is using the port H2O is configured to use) and configuration errors.

Issue: High CPU Usage

High CPU usage can be caused by a variety of factors, including high traffic, inefficient scripts, or misconfiguration. Use a monitoring tool to identify the source of the high CPU usage and address it accordingly.

Issue: 503 Service Unavailable Errors

This error typically means that H2O is unable to handle the request due to being overloaded or down for maintenance. Check your server’s resource usage and consider scaling up if necessary.

Issue: SSL/TLS Errors

If you’re seeing SSL/TLS errors, check your certificate and configuration. Make sure your certificate is valid and correctly installed, and that your configuration is set up to use the correct certificate files.

Resources for Getting Help with H2O

If you’re unable to resolve an issue on your own, there are several resources available:

Remember, when asking for help, provide as much information as possible about your issue, including any error messages, your server configuration, and what steps you’ve taken to try to resolve the issue. This will make it easier for others to help you.

Future of H2O Web Server Software

As we look ahead, the future of H2O web server software seems promising. The developers are continually working on improvements and new features to ensure that H2O remains a competitive choice in the web server market.

Upcoming Features and Improvements in H2O

The H2O team maintains an active presence on their GitHub repository, where they share updates about the latest developments. While specific future features are not typically announced in advance, the ongoing activity on the repository indicates a commitment to continual improvement and innovation. It’s also worth noting that H2O is open-source, which means that anyone can contribute to its development. This collaborative approach often leads to a steady stream of new features and improvements.

Trends in Web Server Technology and How H2O Fits Into These Trends

One of the key trends in web server technology is the increasing importance of performance and efficiency, especially in the context of mobile and low-latency applications. H2O’s focus on speed and low resource usage positions it well in this regard.

Another trend is the growing adoption of HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 protocols. As one of the few web servers with full HTTP/2 and experimental HTTP/3 support, H2O is at the forefront of this trend.

Finally, there’s a growing emphasis on security in web server technology. H2O’s built-in security features, such as OCSP stapling and protection against slow read attacks, align well with this trend.

In conclusion, H2O is well-positioned to adapt to future trends and continue to meet the needs of web developers and administrators. Its focus on performance, efficiency, and security, combined with its support for the latest web protocols, make it a compelling choice for anyone seeking a robust and future-proof web server solution.


In the realm of web server software, H2O has carved out a niche for itself as a high-performance, efficient, and versatile solution. Its unique architecture, advanced features, and support for the latest web protocols make it a compelling choice for many web hosting scenarios.

While H2O may not be as widely recognized as some of its competitors, such as Apache or Nginx, it offers a unique blend of features that cater to specific needs. Its focus on speed and efficiency makes it particularly well-suited to high-traffic websites and applications that require low latency.

Moreover, H2O’s active development and open-source nature mean that it’s continually improving and adapting to the latest trends in web server technology. Whether you’re a web developer, a system administrator, or just someone interested in web technology, H2O is a web server worth considering.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of H2O web server software. If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you.


  1. What makes H2O web server unique?

    H2O is known for its high performance and efficiency. It supports advanced web protocols like HTTP/2 and HTTP/3, and its event-driven architecture allows it to handle multiple requests concurrently with minimal resource usage.

  2. How does H2O compare to other web servers like Apache or Nginx?

    H2O holds its own when compared to other popular web servers. While each server has its strengths and ideal use cases, H2O’s focus on speed and efficiency, along with its support for advanced web protocols, make it a compelling choice for many scenarios.

  3. What are some best practices for securing an H2O web server?

    Some best practices include keeping your H2O server updated, using strong encryption for your SSL/TLS certificates, restricting access to your server as much as possible, and regularly monitoring your server logs for any suspicious activity.

  4. How can I optimize H2O for better performance?

    Some tips for optimizing H2O include enabling compression to reduce the size of your HTTP responses, using HTTP/2, adjusting TCP parameters, and using a CDN if your website has a global audience.

  5. What is the future of H2O web server software?

    The future of H2O looks promising, with ongoing development and improvements. It’s well-positioned to adapt to future trends in web server technology, including increased emphasis on performance, efficiency, and security.


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