How to Install and Configure Lighttpd on CentOS 6.2

The Lighttpd is an open-source web server more optimized for speed-critical environments than common products while remaining standards-compliant, secure and flexible. Lighttpd is an excellent tool for small to medium…


How to Install Webtatic Repository on RHEL 6/CentOS 6

The Webtatic YUM repository is a CentOS/RHEL repository that contains updated web-related packages. Its primary goal is to provide CentOS/RHEL administrators with the latest stable minor releases of web development/hosting…


How to Add Atomic Repository to RHEL 6

In This post, i will show on how to install Atomic repository to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6). Atomic repository was archived here : http://www6.atomicorp.com/channels/atomic/ Follow this steps…


How to Create Yum Repository from CDROM Media

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of installing or updating Redhat RPM packages from a locally mounted CDROM. This tutorial is particularly useful if you’re looking…