How to Configure Squid Proxy Server for DDoS Protection

How to Configure Squid Proxy Server for DDoS Protection

DDoS attacks are a significant threat to any server’s stability and reliability. They aim to overwhelm a server with traffic, rendering it unable to handle legitimate requests. As a server administrator, it’s crucial to take proactive measures to protect your server from such attacks. One effective way to do this is by configuring your Squid Proxy Server for DDoS protection.

Squid is a powerful, flexible, and widely used open-source proxy server. It can be configured to protect your server from DDoS attacks by limiting the number of connections from a single IP address, filtering suspicious traffic, and blocking known malicious IPs. This tutorial will guide you through the process of configuring your Squid Proxy Server for DDoS protection on a CentOS system.

The benefits of configuring Squid for DDoS protection include improved server stability, enhanced security, and better performance during high traffic periods. By following this guide, you will not only protect your server from DDoS attacks but also ensure a smoother and more reliable experience for your legitimate users.

Before we start, make sure you have Squid installed on your server. If you haven’t installed it yet, you can refer to our guide on how to install Squid proxy server. Also, remember to back up your current Squid configuration file before making any changes.

Step 1: Limit Connections Per IP

The first step in configuring Squid for DDoS protection is to limit the number of simultaneous connections from a single IP address. This can prevent an attacker from overwhelming your server with a flood of connections from a single source.

See also  How to Configure Squid Proxy Server for Private Browsing

Open the Squid configuration file in a text editor:

sudo nano /etc/squid/squid.conf

Add the following lines to the file:

acl maxconn srcconn 20
http_access deny maxconn

These lines create an access control list (ACL) named “maxconn” that matches any IP address with more than 20 simultaneous connections, and then deny HTTP access to those IPs. Save and close the file.

Step 2: Filter Suspicious Traffic

Squid can also be configured to filter out suspicious traffic based on certain patterns. For example, you can block HTTP requests with unusually long URLs, which are often used in DDoS attacks.

Add the following lines to the Squid configuration file:

acl badurls url_regex "/etc/squid/badurls.acl"
http_access deny badurls

These lines tell Squid to deny access to any URLs that match the regular expressions listed in the “/etc/squid/badurls.acl” file. You’ll need to create this file and add your own list of suspicious URL patterns.

Step 3: Block Known Malicious IPs

Another effective way to protect your server from DDoS attacks is to block known malicious IP addresses. You can find lists of such IPs online, or you can create your own based on your server logs.

Add the following lines to the Squid configuration file:

acl badips src "/etc/squid/badips.acl"
http_access deny badips

These lines block access from any IP addresses listed in the “/etc/squid/badips.acl” file. Again, you’ll need to create this file and add the IPs you want to block.

After making these changes, save and close the file. Then, restart Squid to apply the new configuration:

sudo systemctl restart squid

Congratulations! You have now configured your Squid Proxy Server for DDoS protection. Remember to monitor your server logs regularly to identify any potential threats and update your Squid configuration as needed.

See also  How to Install and Configure Squid Proxy Server on CentOS 6.2

Commands Mentioned:

  • sudo nano /etc/squid/squid.conf – Opens the Squid configuration file in a text editor.
  • sudo systemctl restart squid – Restarts the Squid service, applying any changes made to the configuration file.


DDoS attacks can cause significant disruption to your server’s operation, but by configuring your Squid Proxy Server for DDoS protection, you can significantly reduce this risk. This tutorial has shown you how to limit connections per IP, filter suspicious traffic, and block known malicious IPs using Squid.

By implementing these measures, you’re not only protecting your server but also ensuring a better experience for your legitimate users. However, DDoS protection is a continuous process that requires regular monitoring and updating of your security measures. Always keep an eye on your server logs and stay informed about the latest DDoS attack patterns and mitigation strategies.

For more information on Squid and its features, functions, and benefits, check out our detailed guide on Squid Proxy. If you’re interested in other ways to enhance your server’s security and performance, our web server comparison may be of interest to you.

We hope this tutorial has been helpful.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.


  1. What is a DDoS attack?

    A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal functioning of a network, service, or server by overwhelming it with a flood of internet traffic. DDoS attacks achieve effectiveness by utilizing multiple compromised computer systems as sources of traffic, often botnets.

  2. How does Squid Proxy Server help in DDoS protection?

    Squid Proxy Server can be configured to limit the number of connections from a single IP address, filter out suspicious traffic based on certain patterns, and block known malicious IPs. These measures can help protect your server from being overwhelmed by a DDoS attack.

  3. How can I identify a potential DDoS attack?

    Signs of a potential DDoS attack can include a sudden slowdown in network performance, unavailability of a particular website, or a dramatic increase in the number of spam emails received. It’s important to regularly monitor your server logs and network traffic to identify any unusual activity.

  4. What is an ACL in Squid Proxy Server?

    ACL stands for Access Control List. In Squid, an ACL is a list of rules that match certain types of traffic. Squid uses ACLs to decide which requests to allow or deny. For example, you can create an ACL to block all traffic from a specific IP address or to allow only HTTP traffic.

  5. Can Squid Proxy Server protect against all types of DDoS attacks?

    While Squid can significantly reduce the risk of DDoS attacks, it cannot provide complete protection against all types of DDoS attacks. Some sophisticated attacks may require additional security measures, such as a dedicated DDoS protection service. However, the measures outlined in this tutorial can provide a strong first line of defense.


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