How to Install WebSVN for Subversion on CentOS

In this post, i will guide you on how to set up the WebSVN in your subversion repository. WebSVN will enable you to view your subversion repositories with default useful features as below:-

  • Blame (annotation) view of file authorship
  • Comparing revisions of files / directories
  • Revision and log message browsing / searching
  • RSS feed support for watching any resource

In order to enable other features such as path-based restriction of privileges, proper customization of config.php code is needed. At the time of this article wrote, the current release of WebSVN is WebSVN Release 2.3.2.

See also  How to Configure LDAP Authentication for Subversion on CentOS 5.5

Prerequisite :
1. How to Install Apache Httpd Web Server on Linux
2. How to Install Subversion on CentOS 5.5 Server

Steps to install WebSVN :
1. Download the WebSVN Release 2.3.2
You can wget as below. Make sure that you put it or move it to your repository directory.

    [root@server repos]# pwd
    [root@server repos]#
    -bash: No such file or directory
    [root@server repos]# clear
    [root@server repos]# pwd
    [root@server repos]# wget
    --2011-04-03 17:53:20--
    Connecting to||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 846511 (827K) [application/x-gzip]
    Saving to: `websvn-2.3.2.tar.gz'
    100%[===========================================>] 846,511     72.9K/s   in 31s
    2011-04-03 17:53:53 (26.5 KB/s) - `websvn-2.3.2.tar.gz' saved [846511/846511]

2. Extract and unzip the websvn-2.3.2.tar.gz using below command and rename it as websvn for easy browsing URL as below:

    [root@server repos]# tar xvfz websvn-2.3.2.tar.gz
    [root@server repos]# mv websvn-2.3.2 websvn

3. Go to websvn/include directory. Make a copy of distconfig.php and name it as config.php. config.php will be the main configuration file of your WebSVN.

    [root@server repos]# cd websvn/include
    [root@server include]# ls
    accessfile.php  command.php      diff_util.php   setup.php     utils.php
    auth.php        configclass.php  distconfig.php  svnlook.php   version.php
    bugtraq.php     diff_inc.php     header          template.php
    [root@server include]# cp distconfig.php config.php

4. Edit the config.php file. Then uncomment line 106 and modify the parentPath as below:

    [root@server include]# vi config.php
    106 // $config->parentPath('Path/to/parent (e.g. c:\\svn)');

Change to :

    106 $config->parentPath('/svn/repos');

5. Save the config.php then test your http://servername/websvn. If everything properly configured, you should see the page that lists your repositories.


1 Comment

  • Avatar Dima says:

    Great article but I am getting this error.. any ideas?

    Error running this command: svn –non-interactive –config-dir /tmp list –xml ‘file:///usr/local/rancid/var/CVS/@’
    sh: /: is a directory

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