How to Troubleshoot the Directory Server System Tuning Analysis Warning and Notice in CentOS

When setting up and configuring a directory server, it’s crucial to ensure that the system meets the minimum operating requirements. This can be achieved by utilizing the Linux or Unix dsktune command utility. This utility scans the system for potential issues, required patches, and dependencies, providing a report of items that need to be addressed before deploying the software in a production environment. However, you might encounter some warnings and notices during this process.

This tutorial will guide you through troubleshooting the Directory Server System Tuning Analysis warning and notice in CentOS. For a more in-depth understanding of web servers, you can visit our guide on the best web servers.

Understanding the dsktune Report

The dsktune utility generates a report that may contain warnings and notices about your server’s configuration. For example, you might see a warning about the amount of physical memory available on your system. If your system has less than 1024MB of physical memory, you might see a warning like this:

[root@server ~]# dsktune
CentOS Directory Server system tuning analysis version 10-AUGUST-2007.

NOTICE : System is i686-unknown-linux2.6.18-194.el5 (1 processor).

WARNING: 590MB of physical memory is available on the system.
1024MB is recommended for best performance on large production system.

NOTICE : The net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time is set to 7200000 milliseconds
(120 minutes).  This may cause temporary server congestion from lost
client connections.

WARNING: There are only 1024 file descriptors (hard limit) available, which
limit the number of simultaneous connections.

WARNING: There are only 1024 file descriptors (soft limit) available, which
limit the number of simultaneous connections.

This warning indicates that your system’s physical memory is less than the recommended 1024MB for optimal performance on large production systems. To address this issue, you need to upgrade your system’s physical memory to at least 1024MB.

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Adjusting the tcp_keepalive_time

Another common notice you might encounter is related to the net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time setting. This setting determines the time that the system waits before sending keepalive probes to TCP connections when no data has been sent over the connection by either the client or server. A notice related to this setting might look like this:

NOTICE : The net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time is set to 7200000 milliseconds
(120 minutes). This may cause temporary server congestion from lost
client connections.

This notice indicates that the tcp_keepalive_time is set to a high value, which could lead to server congestion from lost client connections. To resolve this issue, you need to decrease the default value for tcp_keepalive_time. You can do this by editing the /etc/sysctl.conf file and adding the following line:

net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 300

This change will reduce the tcp_keepalive_time to 300 seconds (5 minutes), which should help prevent server congestion. For a more detailed explanation of server configurations, you can refer to our guides on Apache, Nginx, and LiteSpeed servers.

Increasing the Number of File Descriptors

You might also see a warning about the number of file descriptors available on your system. File descriptors are a system resource that allows applications to open and manage files and I/O devices. If your system has a low limit on the number of file descriptors, you might see a warning like this:

WARNING: There are only 1024 file descriptors (soft limit) available, which
limit the number of simultaneous connections.

This warning indicates that the number of file descriptors is limited to 1024, which could limit the number of simultaneous connections your server can handle. To address this issue, you need toincrease the limit on the number of file descriptors. You can do this by adding the following lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:

* soft nofile 524288
* hard nofile 524288

These lines increase the soft and hard limits for the number of file descriptors to 524288, which should allow your server to handle more simultaneous connections. After making these changes, you’ll need to reboot your server for the changes to take effect.

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Commands Mentioned

  • dsktune – Scans the system for potential problems, required patches, and dependencies.
  • vi /etc/sysctl.conf – Opens the sysctl.conf file for editing system parameters.
  • vi /etc/security/limits.conf – Opens the limits.conf file for editing user limits.


Troubleshooting the Directory Server System Tuning Analysis warning and notice in CentOS involves understanding the dsktune report, adjusting the tcp_keepalive_time, and increasing the number of file descriptors. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can ensure that your server meets the minimum operating requirements and is ready to handle a large production system.

Remember, it’s crucial to address any warnings or notices that appear in the dsktune report to prevent potential problems that could impact your server’s performance. Whether you’re running a dedicated server, a VPS server, or utilizing cloud hosting or shared hosting, these steps will help ensure that your server is configured for optimal performance.

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FAQ Section

  1. What is the dsktune utility?

    The dsktune utility is a command-line tool in Linux and Unix that scans the system for potential problems, required patches, and dependencies. It provides a report of items that need to be addressed before deploying software in a production environment.

  2. What is the tcp_keepalive_time setting?

    The tcp_keepalive_time setting in Linux determines the time that the system waits before sending keepalive probes to TCP connections when no data has been sent over the connection by either the client or server. Adjusting this setting can help prevent server congestion from lost client connections.

  3. What are file descriptors?

    File descriptors are a system resource in Unix-like operating systems that allow applications to open and manage files and I/O devices. Each open file or device is represented by a file descriptor, which is a non-negative integer.

  4. Why do I need to increase the number of file descriptors?

    Increasing the number of file descriptors allows your server to handle more simultaneous connections. If the limit is too low, your server might not be able to open new connections, which could impact its ability to handle traffic.

  5. Why do I need to reboot the server after changing the file descriptor limit?

    Rebooting the server allows the changes to the file descriptor limit to take effect. This is because changes to system resource limits are only applied at boot time or when a new session is started. Therefore, to apply the new limits to all processes on the system, a reboot is required.


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