In this post, i will share with you the basic chmod command usage to change linux file permission. This was tested on CentOS 5.5.
Who – ugoa controls :
u = Owner g = Users in the Group o = Other users not in the group a = All users/Everyone
Permission :
r = Read w = Write x = Execute
Opcode :
+ --> Add permission. - --> Remove permission. = --> Assign permission
Allow execute permission to everyone: chmod a+x samplesfiles.txt Deny execute permission to everyone: chmod a-x samplesfiles.txt Allow read permission to everyone: chmod a+r samplesfiles.txt Deny read permission to everyone: chmod a-r samplesfiles.txt Allow write and execute permission to everyone: chmod a+wx samplesfiles.txt Deny write and execute permission to everyone: chmod a-wx samplesfiles.txt Make a file readable and writable by the group and others: chmod go+rw samplesfiles.txt