Countries Using ISPs to Help Curb Copyright Violations in 2015
Copyright violations and copyright law may vary from country to country, but the legal and professional impact they can lead to is essentially the same. The U.S., the United Kingdom,…
Countries Using ISPs to Help Curb Copyright Violations in 2015
Copyright violations and copyright law may vary from country to country, but the legal and professional impact they can lead to is essentially the same. The U.S., the United Kingdom,…
How Would an Email Outage Affect the Web?
Have you ever been at work when your email communication goes out? Do you ever hear people around the office who say that since email is down they might as…
What are the Best Advertising Avenues for Web Hosts?
Large web hosting companies such as GoDaddy are able to create television advertising campaigns that keep the public aware of their brand. These marketing campaigns are expensive endeavors involving a…
Will Google Give Ranking Preference to Websites Based On Security, Rather Than Content?
On August 6, 2014, a post on Google’s Online Security Blog announced that the tech juggernaut had recently been experimenting with its search engine ranking algorithms. Google admitted to running…
The 20 Must Have Widgets for WordPress 2015
It is no secret that the power of the internet has made it easier than ever to get your voice heard or your business started. WordPress has understood this very…
How Do You Advertise Your Web Hosting Services?
Web hosting can be a lucrative business, but like any other business venture, it takes a lot of work and time to grow your clientele. Business owners who expect customers…
The term “big data” has been a buzzword for small business owners and technology experts. However, it is not necessary to have an in-depth understanding of statistical analysis to use…
The ‘End’ of the Internet? What Two-Tiered Service Actually Entails
Despite mounting opposition, the Federal Communications Commission recently made a mark on the years-long net neutrality debate by endorsing a two-tiered internet system. Some are decrying this decision as the…
Bouncing Back from Bad Web Hosting Reviews
Your web hosting customers have more ways than ever to let everyone know exactly what they think of your services. While getting a good review can make you feel as…
Google+ Finally Comes Alive With These 16 Great Social Tools
You just can’t knock Google! Yes, there are complaints about Google Panda but Google changed the world and will continue to do so. That’s what confuses so many that Google+…
Why .uk and Other New Domain Extensions are so Important
Sometimes it’s the saving of three keystrokes and other times, a matter of national pride. The launching of the domain extension, “.uk,” officially available June 10th, joins some other new…
Is Too Much Content Making People Bounce From Your Website?
People want more, more and more, so why do they want to work less, less and less to get it? Many blogs and website owners are expressing concern over bounce…