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Web Design

Web Design: Do it Yourself or Outsource?

When you are creating and developing your own website, you will find out that web design is very important. The web design is what makes your website stand out from…

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When Markup Languages Attack

You of course know HTML, you may know some XML and SGML, and you figure there are probably a handful others out there that a few people use.  If by…


Tips for Designing a Web Site for the iPad

Apple has come out with the latest of its products to split the tech world down the middle.  Opinions about the iPad are diverse and often polarized.  For the webmaster…

weebly new designer platform

Weebly’s New Designer Platform

Weebly is an online startup business that delivers website building tools which are intuitive and not difficult to learn. The company recently expanded their offerings with a new designer platform…

Design A Profitable Website

Most people, when creating a website, have one thing in mind and that is, how to make their website profitable. The truth is, the design of your website has everything…