OpenLiteSpeed Web Server Explained in Simple Terms

Explore the world of OpenLiteSpeed, a high-performance, lightweight, open-source HTTP server. Understand its key features, versatility, and how it compares to other web servers. Learn about its installation, configuration, security, and performance optimization.

18 minutes 0 comments
Dimitri Nek
Dimitri Nek
Web Hosting Geek


OpenLiteSpeed holds a unique position in the world of web servers. As an open-source, high-performance HTTP server, it has carved out a niche for itself in the web hosting landscape. OpenLiteSpeed is not just a server; it’s a complete, lightweight server with a user-friendly web interface and a variety of features that make it a compelling choice for many web hosting scenarios.

OpenLiteSpeed was developed by LiteSpeed Technologies, a company known for its commercial web server software. The open-source version was introduced to provide a free alternative that retains many of the premium version’s advantages, making high-performance web hosting more accessible.

This article explains what OpenLiteSpeed is, its features, capabilities, and how it compares to other popular web servers. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of OpenLiteSpeed and its role in web hosting.

So, let’s dive in and explore the world of OpenLiteSpeed.

Key Takeaways:

  • OpenLiteSpeed is known for its high performance and scalability, making it an excellent choice for websites of all sizes. Its event-driven architecture allows it to handle a high number of requests efficiently.
  • OpenLiteSpeed comes with built-in security features such as anti-DDoS, ModSecurity support, and access control based on IP addresses. These features help protect your server from various types of cyber threats.
  • OpenLiteSpeed is versatile and can be used in different environments including Linux, Windows, and Cloud. It is also compatible with popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.
  • When compared to other popular web servers like Nginx, Apache, IIS, and Lightspeed, OpenLiteSpeed holds its own, offering unique strengths such as excellent performance, scalability, and user-friendly configuration.
  • OpenLiteSpeed is continually evolving to meet the changing needs of web server technology. Its performance, security features, ease of use, and integration with cloud technologies align well with ongoing trends in web server technology, suggesting a promising future for OpenLiteSpeed.

What is OpenLiteSpeed

OpenLiteSpeed is an open-source HTTP server developed by LiteSpeed Technologies. It’s known for its high performance, low resource usage, and easy-to-use web administration interface. OpenLiteSpeed supports a variety of features such as HTTP/3, HTTP/2, HTTPS, QUIC, Brotli compression, and more. It’s also compatible with commonly used Apache features.

OpenLiteSpeed is a web server that operates on an event-driven architecture, which means it responds to events or changes in its environment, such as incoming requests from web browsers. When a request comes in, OpenLiteSpeed processes it and sends back the requested data, be it a web page, an image, or other types of content. It’s designed to handle thousands of simultaneous connections efficiently, making it highly scalable.

Brief History and Development of OpenLiteSpeed

OpenLiteSpeed was introduced by LiteSpeed Technologies as the open-source counterpart to their commercial LiteSpeed Server. The company, founded in 2002, has been at the forefront of developing high-performance, secure, and easy-to-use web servers. OpenLiteSpeed was released to provide a free, open-source solution that retains many of the premium version’s advantages. Over the years, it has seen continuous development and improvement, with new features and enhancements regularly added.

Importance and Role of OpenLiteSpeed in Web Hosting

OpenLiteSpeed plays a crucial role in web hosting due to its high performance and low resource usage. It’s capable of serving thousands of clients concurrently with minimal memory footprint, making it an excellent choice for high-traffic websites and resource-constrained servers.

Its compatibility with Apache features means that it can be used as a drop-in replacement for Apache servers, offering improved performance without requiring significant changes to existing configurations.

Furthermore, OpenLiteSpeed’s user-friendly web administration interface simplifies server management, making it accessible even to those with limited server administration experience.

In the world of web hosting, OpenLiteSpeed has proven itself as a reliable, high-performance server that can meet a wide range of hosting needs. Whether you’re running a small personal blog or a high-traffic commercial website, OpenLiteSpeed is a server worth considering.

Understanding OpenLiteSpeed

OpenLiteSpeed is more than just a web server; it’s a comprehensive tool that handles HTTP communication between a client (like a web browser) and a server. It receives HTTP requests from clients, processes these requests, and sends back the appropriate HTTP responses. This includes serving static content (like HTML files, images, CSS, and JavaScript files), as well as dynamic content generated by server-side scripts.

Key Features and Capabilities of OpenLiteSpeed

OpenLiteSpeed comes packed with features that make it a powerful and versatile web server. Here are some of its key features:

  • Event-Driven Architecture: OpenLiteSpeed uses an event-driven architecture, which allows it to handle thousands of concurrent connections with minimal memory usage.
  • Easy Administration: OpenLiteSpeed includes a user-friendly web administration interface, making server management straightforward even for those with limited server administration experience.
  • Apache Compatibility: OpenLiteSpeed is compatible with a variety of Apache features. This means it can often be used as a drop-in replacement for Apache servers.
  • Built-In Page Caching: OpenLiteSpeed includes built-in page caching, which can significantly improve the performance of dynamic websites.
  • Support for Latest Protocols: OpenLiteSpeed supports a variety of modern web protocols, including HTTP/3, HTTP/2, QUIC, and Brotli compression.

Advanced Features and Capabilities of OpenLiteSpeed

In addition to its basic features, OpenLiteSpeed also includes a variety of advanced capabilities that can further enhance its performance and versatility:

  • LSAPI for PHP: OpenLiteSpeed includes LiteSpeed SAPI (LSAPI) for PHP, a proprietary protocol that offers superior performance for PHP applications compared to traditional CGI or FastCGI interfaces.
  • ModSecurity Support: OpenLiteSpeed supports ModSecurity, a popular open-source web application firewall that can help protect your server against a variety of common web-based attacks.
  • Rewrite Engine: OpenLiteSpeed includes a powerful rewrite engine that is compatible with Apache’s mod_rewrite. This allows for complex URL manipulations, which can be useful for SEO and for handling legacy URLs.
  • Context Configuration: OpenLiteSpeed allows for context-level configuration, which means you can apply different settings to different parts of your website. This can be useful for handling different types of content or for managing multi-domain servers.
  • Real-Time Statistics: OpenLiteSpeed’s web administration interface includes real-time statistics, allowing you to monitor your server’s performance and troubleshoot issues as they occur.
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These features and capabilities make OpenLiteSpeed a powerful, versatile, and user-friendly web server, capable of meeting a wide range of web hosting needs.

OpenLiteSpeed Pros and Cons

When choosing a web server, it’s essential to understand its advantages and disadvantages. This knowledge allows you to make an informed decision based on your specific needs and circumstances. This balanced perspective will provide a comprehensive understanding of what OpenLiteSpeed brings to the table.

Strengths Weaknesses
High performance and efficiency, especially when serving static content. Limited module support compared to some other web servers.
Excellent scalability, thanks to its event-driven architecture. No support for .htaccess files, which are commonly used in Apache for per-directory configuration.
Easy to configure and manage, making it user-friendly even for those new to web server administration. Smaller community support compared to some other web servers, which can make it harder to find help or resources for troubleshooting specific issues.
Built-in support for LSAPI, enhancing its compatibility with applications written in PHP, Ruby, Python, and Node.js.


  • High performance: OpenLiteSpeed’s event-driven architecture allows it to handle thousands of concurrent connections with minimal memory usage.
  • Scalability: OpenLiteSpeed can handle a high number of requests per second, making it a good choice for high-traffic websites.
  • Ease of use: OpenLiteSpeed is often considered easier to configure and manage than other web servers, especially for users who are new to web server administration.
  • Compatibility: OpenLiteSpeed’s built-in support for LSAPI makes it particularly compatible with applications written in PHP, Ruby, Python, and Node.js.


  • Limited module support: Unlike Apache, OpenLiteSpeed does not support a wide range of modules. This can limit its flexibility in certain scenarios.
  • Lack of .htaccess support: OpenLiteSpeed does not support .htaccess files, which are commonly used in Apache for per-directory configuration.
  • Limited community support: While OpenLiteSpeed has a growing community, it is not as large or as active as the communities surrounding some other web servers, such as Apache or Nginx. This can make it harder to find help or resources for troubleshooting specific issues.

OpenLiteSpeed Versatility

One of the key strengths of OpenLiteSpeed is its versatility. It can be deployed in a variety of environments and is compatible with numerous Content Management Systems (CMS). This makes it a flexible choice for many different web hosting scenarios.

Different Environments


OpenLiteSpeed is fully compatible with various Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, and CentOS. The installation process is straightforward, and the server can be easily managed using the web administration interface or command-line tools. OpenLiteSpeed’s low resource usage makes it an excellent choice for Linux servers, where efficiency and performance are often key considerations.


While traditionally more common in Linux environments, OpenLiteSpeed can also be installed on Windows servers. This allows Windows-based businesses to take advantage of OpenLiteSpeed’s high performance and feature set. The installation process on Windows is slightly more involved than on Linux, but detailed guides are available to assist with the process.


OpenLiteSpeed is well-suited to cloud environments, where its high performance and scalability can be particularly beneficial. It can be deployed on various cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. Many cloud providers offer pre-configured OpenLiteSpeed images, making deployment quick and easy.

Compatibility with CMS Platforms


OpenLiteSpeed has excellent compatibility with WordPress, one of the most popular CMS platforms. OpenLiteSpeed includes a built-in WordPress cache plugin, which can significantly improve the performance of WordPress sites.


Joomla is another CMS that works well with OpenLiteSpeed. The server’s high performance and built-in page caching can help to speed up Joomla sites.


OpenLiteSpeed is also compatible with Drupal, another widely-used CMS. As with WordPress and Joomla, OpenLiteSpeed’s support for built-in page caching can improve the performance and manageability of Drupal sites.

In summary, OpenLiteSpeed’s versatility makes it a strong choice for a wide range of web hosting scenarios. Whether you’re running a Linux or Windows server, hosting in the cloud, or using a popular CMS like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal, OpenLiteSpeed has the features and compatibility to meet your needs.

Comparing OpenLiteSpeed

When comparing OpenLiteSpeed to other popular web servers such as Nginx, Apache, IIS, and Lightspeed, there are several factors to consider. These include performance, scalability, ease of use, and compatibility with various operating systems and platforms.

Web Server Performance Scalability Ease of Use Compatibility
OpenLiteSpeed vs Nginx Both offer high performance, with OpenLiteSpeed excelling in serving static content. Both are scalable, but OpenLiteSpeed’s event-driven architecture gives it an edge. OpenLiteSpeed is generally considered easier to manage. Both are compatible with a wide range of platforms, but OpenLiteSpeed’s LSAPI support enhances its compatibility with certain applications.
OpenLiteSpeed vs Apache OpenLiteSpeed typically outperforms Apache in speed and efficiency. OpenLiteSpeed’s event-driven architecture allows it to handle more concurrent connections. Some users find OpenLiteSpeed’s configuration process simpler and more intuitive. Both are compatible with a wide range of platforms, but OpenLiteSpeed’s LSAPI support enhances its compatibility with certain applications.
OpenLiteSpeed vs IIS OpenLiteSpeed generally outperforms IIS in terms of speed and efficiency. OpenLiteSpeed’s event-driven architecture allows it to handle more concurrent connections. OpenLiteSpeed is often considered easier to manage than IIS. While IIS is designed for Windows, OpenLiteSpeed is compatible with a wide range of operating systems.
OpenLiteSpeed vs LiteSpeed Both are known for their high performance, but LiteSpeed’s additional features may give it an edge in certain scenarios. Both offer excellent scalability, thanks to their event-driven architectures. Both servers are relatively easy to manage, although LiteSpeed’s additional management features may be preferred by some users. Both are compatible with a wide range of platforms.

OpenLiteSpeed vs Nginx

  • Performance: Both OpenLiteSpeed and Nginx are known for their high performance. However, OpenLiteSpeed is often praised for its event-driven architecture, which can handle thousands of concurrent connections with minimal memory usage. This makes it particularly effective for serving static content.
  • Scalability: OpenLiteSpeed and Nginx both scale well and can handle a high number of requests per second. However, OpenLiteSpeed’s event-driven architecture gives it an edge in terms of scalability.
  • Ease of Use: OpenLiteSpeed is often considered easier to configure and manage than Nginx, especially for users who are new to web server administration.
  • Compatibility: Both OpenLiteSpeed and Nginx are compatible with a wide range of operating systems and platforms. However, OpenLiteSpeed’s built-in support for LSAPI (LiteSpeed Server Application Programming Interface) makes it particularly compatible with applications written in PHP, Ruby, Python, and Node.js.
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OpenLiteSpeed vs Apache

  • Performance: OpenLiteSpeed generally outperforms Apache in terms of speed and efficiency, especially when serving static content.
  • Scalability: OpenLiteSpeed’s event-driven architecture allows it to handle a large number of concurrent connections, giving it an advantage over Apache in terms of scalability.
  • Ease of Use: While Apache’s .htaccess files allow for detailed per-directory configuration, some users find OpenLiteSpeed’s configuration process to be simpler and more intuitive.
  • Compatibility: Both OpenLiteSpeed and Apache are compatible with a wide range of operating systems and platforms. However, OpenLiteSpeed’s built-in support for LSAPI makes it particularly compatible with applications written in PHP, Ruby, Python, and Node.js.

OpenLiteSpeed vs IIS

  • Performance: OpenLiteSpeed generally outperforms IIS in terms of speed and efficiency.
  • Scalability: OpenLiteSpeed’s event-driven architecture allows it to handle a large number of concurrent connections, giving it an advantage over IIS in terms of scalability.
  • Ease of Use: OpenLiteSpeed is often considered easier to configure and manage than IIS.
  • Compatibility: While IIS is specifically designed for Windows, OpenLiteSpeed is compatible with a wide range of operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and BSD, in addition to Windows.

OpenLiteSpeed vs Lightspeed

  • Performance: OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed are both known for their high performance. However, LiteSpeed is a commercial product with additional features that may give it an edge in certain scenarios.
  • Scalability: Both OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed offer excellent scalability, thanks to their event-driven architectures.
  • Ease of Use: Both servers are relatively easy to configure and manage, although some users may prefer the additional management features offered by the commercial LiteSpeed product.
  • Compatibility: Both OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed are compatible with a wide range of operating systems and platforms.

Ideal use cases for OpenLiteSpeed

OpenLiteSpeed is ideally suited for serving static content due to its event-driven architecture, which allows it to handle thousands of concurrent connections with minimal memory usage. This makes it a good choice for high-traffic websites and applications.

In addition, OpenLiteSpeed’s built-in support for LSAPI makes it particularly compatible with applications written in PHP, Ruby, Python, and Node.js. This, combined with its ease of use, makes it a good choice for users who are new to web server administration or who are looking for a simple, high-performance server for their web application.

Finally, OpenLiteSpeed’s ability to handle a high number of requests per second makes it a good choice for websites and applications that need to scale to handle large amounts of traffic.

Installation and Configuration

Installing and configuring OpenLiteSpeed is a straightforward process, but there are some key steps and settings to be aware of. Below, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to installing OpenLiteSpeed, followed by an explanation of basic configuration settings and tips for optimal configuration.

Installing OpenLiteSpeed

Here’s a simplified step-by-step guide for installing OpenLiteSpeed:

  1. Update your system: Before you begin, it’s a good idea to update your system’s package lists. On a Linux system, you can do this with the command sudo apt-get update.
  2. Install OpenLiteSpeed: You can download and install OpenLiteSpeed from the official OpenLiteSpeed website. On a Linux system, you can use the command wget to download the package, replacing “1.7.11” with the latest version number. Then, use the command tar -zxvf openlitespeed-*.tgz to extract the package, and cd openlitespeed to navigate to the extracted directory. Finally, use the command sudo ./ to install OpenLiteSpeed.
  3. Start OpenLiteSpeed: Once installed, you can start OpenLiteSpeed with the command sudo /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start.

Please note that these are simplified instructions, and the exact commands may vary depending on your operating system and the specific version of OpenLiteSpeed you are installing. For detailed installation instructions, please refer to the official OpenLiteSpeed documentation.

Configuring OpenLiteSpeed

Once OpenLiteSpeed is installed, you’ll need to configure it to suit your specific needs. Here are some basic configuration settings to be aware of:

  • Server Configuration: You can access the main server configuration file at /usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.xml. This file contains settings for the server’s listening addresses, virtual hosts, and more.
  • Virtual Hosts: Virtual hosts allow you to host multiple websites on a single server. You can configure virtual hosts in the OpenLiteSpeed web administration interface.
  • PHP Settings: If you’re using PHP, you’ll need to configure PHP settings for OpenLiteSpeed. This can be done in the PHP configuration file, php.ini.
  • Security Settings: OpenLiteSpeed includes various security features, such as IP-level bandwidth throttling and per-client connection and request rate throttling. These can be configured in the server configuration file.

For optimal configuration of OpenLiteSpeed, it’s recommended to familiarize yourself with the server’s features and capabilities, and to adjust settings as needed based on the specific requirements of your websites and applications. For detailed configuration instructions, please refer to the official OpenLiteSpeed documentation.

Security, Performance, and Optimization

OpenLiteSpeed offers a range of security features and performance optimization options. Understanding these features and how to use them effectively can help you secure your server and optimize its performance.

Security Features

OpenLiteSpeed has several built-in security features:

  • Anti-DDoS Features: OpenLiteSpeed has built-in anti-DDoS features, including connection and bandwidth throttling. These features can help protect your server from DDoS attacks by limiting the number of connections a single IP address can make and the amount of bandwidth it can use.
  • ModSecurity: OpenLiteSpeed supports ModSecurity, a popular open-source web application firewall that can help protect your server from various types of attacks, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.
  • Access Control: OpenLiteSpeed allows you to control access to your server based on IP address. You can allow or deny access to specific IP addresses, or ranges of IP addresses.
  • SSL/TLS Support: OpenLiteSpeed supports SSL and TLS, allowing you to secure the connection between your server and your users.

Best practices for securing your OpenLiteSpeed server include keeping your server and all of its software up to date, using strong passwords, limiting access to your server, and regularly monitoring and auditing your server for any signs of suspicious activity.

Performance and Optimization

OpenLiteSpeed is known for its high performance and scalability, but there are several ways you can optimize it for even better performance:

  • Enable Compression: OpenLiteSpeed supports GZIP compression, which can help reduce the size of the data your server sends, improving speed and reducing bandwidth usage.
  • Tune Your TCP Settings: Adjusting your server’s TCP settings can help improve network performance. For example, you might increase the TCP backlog limit to allow your server to handle more simultaneous connections.
  • Optimize Your Content: Optimizing your website’s content can also improve performance. This might include minifying your CSS and JavaScript files, optimizing your images, and using a content delivery network (CDN) to deliver your content more quickly to users around the world.
  • Use Caching: OpenLiteSpeed supports several types of caching, including page caching, object caching, and opcode caching. Properly configuring caching can significantly improve your server’s performance.
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Remember, the best settings for your server will depend on your specific use case and the needs of your website or application. It’s always a good idea to monitor your server’s performance and make adjustments as needed.


Like any software, OpenLiteSpeed may occasionally run into issues. However, there are several resources available that can help you troubleshoot and resolve these issues.

Here are a few common issues with OpenLiteSpeed and how to resolve them:

  • Server Not Starting: If OpenLiteSpeed is not starting, the issue is often related to a configuration error. Check the error log (/usr/local/lsws/logs/error.log) for any error messages that might indicate what’s wrong.
  • High CPU Usage: If you notice that OpenLiteSpeed is using a lot of CPU, it could be due to a high number of requests, a misconfiguration, or a problem with a script or application running on your server. Use the top command to identify any processes that are using a lot of CPU, and consider whether these processes are necessary and properly configured.
  • 404 Errors: If you’re seeing 404 errors, it could be that the requested file does not exist, or that the server is not properly configured to serve the file. Check your server’s document root and rewrite rules to make sure they are correct.
  • 503 Errors: A 503 error typically means that the server is temporarily unable to handle the request. This could be due to the server being overloaded, or it could be a problem with the backend application server. Check your server’s load and the status of any backend servers to identify the problem.

If you’re unable to resolve an issue on your own, there are several resources available that can help:

  • Official Documentation: The OpenLiteSpeed website offers comprehensive documentation that covers a wide range of topics, from installation and configuration to troubleshooting and optimization.
  • Forums: The OpenLiteSpeed community forum is a great place to ask questions and get help from other OpenLiteSpeed users.
  • WebHostingGeeks How-To Section: At WebHostingGeeks, we have thousands of tutorials, guides, and how-tos, including many that cover server configuration and troubleshooting. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced server administrator, you’re sure to find helpful resources here.

What to Expect from OpenLiteSpeed

The future of OpenLiteSpeed looks promising as it continues to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of web server technology. While specific upcoming features and improvements are not publicly announced, the OpenLiteSpeed team is known for its commitment to innovation and improvement. You can keep an eye on the OpenLiteSpeed Release Log for the latest updates and features.

In terms of trends in web server technology, there are a few key areas where OpenLiteSpeed is well-positioned:

  • Performance and Scalability: As websites continue to grow in complexity and size, the performance and scalability of web servers become increasingly important. OpenLiteSpeed’s event-driven architecture and efficient handling of static content make it well-suited to meet these demands.
  • Security: With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, the security features of web servers are more important than ever. OpenLiteSpeed’s built-in security features, including anti-DDoS features and support for ModSecurity, help ensure that it remains a secure choice for web hosting.
  • Ease of Use: As more people become involved in web development and hosting, ease of use is a growing trend in web server technology. OpenLiteSpeed’s user-friendly interface and comprehensive documentation make it an accessible choice for users of all skill levels.
  • Integration with Cloud Technologies: As more businesses move their operations to the cloud, web servers that can seamlessly integrate with cloud technologies are in high demand. OpenLiteSpeed’s compatibility with various cloud environments positions it well for this trend.

In conclusion, while the specific future developments of OpenLiteSpeed are not publicly announced, its current features and capabilities align well with the ongoing trends in web server technology, suggesting a promising future for this powerful web server software.


OpenLiteSpeed is a powerful, versatile, and efficient web server that offers a range of features designed to meet the needs of modern websites. Its high performance, robust security features, and ease of use make it an excellent choice for web hosting.

Whether you’re hosting a small personal blog or a large e-commerce site, OpenLiteSpeed provides the tools and capabilities you need to deliver a fast, secure, and reliable online experience. Its compatibility with various operating systems and CMS platforms adds to its versatility, making it a suitable choice for a wide range of hosting scenarios.

Moreover, OpenLiteSpeed’s ongoing development and adaptation to web server technology trends suggest a promising future for this web server software. As websites continue to grow and evolve, OpenLiteSpeed is well-positioned to meet the emerging challenges and demands of web hosting.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of OpenLiteSpeed. Whether you’re considering it for your next project or just looking to learn more about web server technology, we trust that you’ve found this information valuable. As always, we welcome your comments and questions.

Happy hosting!


  1. What is OpenLiteSpeed?

    OpenLiteSpeed is an open-source web server software known for its high performance, scalability, and robust security features. It’s designed to handle thousands of simultaneous connections with minimal memory consumption, making it an excellent choice for websites of all sizes.

  2. How does OpenLiteSpeed compare to other web servers?

    OpenLiteSpeed holds its own when compared to other popular web servers like Nginx, Apache, IIS, and Lightspeed. It offers unique strengths such as excellent performance, scalability, and user-friendly configuration. However, the best choice of web server depends on your specific needs and circumstances.

  3. How can I optimize OpenLiteSpeed for better performance?

    There are several ways to optimize OpenLiteSpeed for better performance. These include enabling GZIP compression, tuning your TCP settings, optimizing your website’s content, and properly configuring caching. Remember, the best settings for your server will depend on your specific use case and the needs of your website or application.

  4. What security features does OpenLiteSpeed offer?

    OpenLiteSpeed has several built-in security features, including anti-DDoS features, support for ModSecurity, and access control based on IP addresses. These features help protect your server from various types of cyber threats.

  5. What is the future of OpenLiteSpeed?

    While specific upcoming features and improvements are not publicly announced, OpenLiteSpeed is continually evolving to meet the changing needs of web server technology. Its performance, security features, ease of use, and integration with cloud technologies align well with ongoing trends in web server technology, suggesting a promising future for OpenLiteSpeed.


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