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How to Install Plank on Ubuntu

Plank is a popular dock for Ubuntu Linux that can be used to quickly launch applications and switch between them. In this guide, we will go through the steps to…

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How to Install XAMPP on Ubuntu

XAMPP is a software package that includes Apache web server, MySQL database server, and PHP scripting language. It is used to set up a local web server environment on your…

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How to Install CLion on Ubuntu

CLion is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used for C and C++ programming. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for development, debugging, and testing. In this guide, we will…

How to Check SELinux Status on Ubuntu

How to Check SELinux Status on Ubuntu

Security-Enhanced Linux, commonly known as SELinux, is a security module for the Linux kernel. Originally developed by the United States National Security Agency, it provides a mechanism for supporting access…

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How to List User Groups on Ubuntu

In Ubuntu, a group is a collection of user accounts that share common permissions and privileges. It is important to know the groups available on your Ubuntu system when you…

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How to Install Wine on Ubuntu

Wine is a compatibility layer that allows you to run Windows applications on Linux-based operating systems like Ubuntu. In this guide, we will go through the steps to install Wine…

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How to Install Hadoop in Linux

Apache Hadoop is an open-source, distributed computing framework designed to process large volumes of data across clusters of computers. It is particularly useful for big data processing and analysis. In…

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How to change the default SSH port in Linux

SSH (Secure Shell) is a widely used protocol for secure remote access and management of Linux servers. By default, SSH listens on port 22. Changing the default SSH port can…

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How to Access /home on Shared Hosting

When you are using shared hosting, accessing the /home directory may not be possible directly. In a shared hosting environment, you are essentially sharing server resources with other users on…

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How to Install PHP GD-library on Ubuntu

The PHP GD library is an open-source image processing library that enables you to create, manipulate, and edit images using PHP. This library supports various image formats, such as JPEG,…