How to Check Which Apache Modules are Enabled or Loaded in Linux


Apache is a widely used web server that offers flexibility through its modular architecture. Modules extend Apache’s core functionality, and administrators can enable or disable them based on their requirements. Sometimes, you may need to check which modules are enabled or loaded on your Apache server to troubleshoot issues or optimize your web server configuration.

In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to check which Apache modules are enabled or loaded on a Linux system. By following these steps, you can get a better understanding of your web server configuration and make informed decisions about enabling or disabling specific modules.

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Step 1: Use the apachectl Command

The apachectl command is a versatile utility for managing the Apache web server, and it can also display information about the loaded modules. To list all enabled modules, use the following command:

sudo apachectl -M

This command will output a list of enabled modules on your Apache web server.

Step 2: Check Configuration Files (Alternative Method)

Alternatively, you can check the Apache configuration files to see which modules are enabled. The location of these files may vary depending on your Linux distribution, but in general, they can be found within the /etc/apache2 directory.

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Go to the Apache configuration directory:

cd /etc/apache2

Check the contents of the mods-enabled directory, which contains symbolic links to the enabled modules:

ls mods-enabled

This command will list all the enabled modules, with their corresponding configuration and load files.

Commands Mentioned:

  • apachectl – Apache control command for managing the Apache web server
  • cd – Change the current directory
  • ls – List directory contents


In this guide, we have demonstrated how to check which Apache modules are enabled or loaded on a Linux system using two different methods: the apachectl command and by checking the configuration files. Understanding the enabled modules in your Apache web server is essential for troubleshooting, optimization, and configuring your server to meet your specific needs.

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Remember that enabling unnecessary modules may consume extra resources and potentially introduce security vulnerabilities. It is good practice to review your enabled modules periodically and ensure that only the required modules are enabled for your web server configuration.

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