How to Enable mod_perl Apache module on Ubuntu

How to Enable mod_perl Apache module on Ubuntu

Apache holds a significant place. It is a highly flexible and powerful web server capable of handling a multitude of tasks in the world of web servers. One of its key strengths lies in its modularity, which allows it to extend its functionality through various modules. One such module is mod_perl, a module that brings together the full power of the Perl programming language with the Apache HTTP server.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of enabling the mod_perl Apache module on an Ubuntu system. This tutorial is designed for webmasters and website administrators who are using the Apache web server and want to leverage the power of Perl within their web server environment.

Before we dive into the steps, it’s important to understand what mod_perl is and why you might want to enable it on your Apache server. Mod_perl is an optional module for the Apache HTTP server. It embeds a Perl interpreter into the Apache server itself, allowing your Perl scripts to execute directly within the server, rather than as separate CGI scripts. This results in significantly improved performance and allows Perl code to directly access Apache internals, leading to powerful applications.


Before you start, you should have the following:

  • An Ubuntu server
  • Apache installed and running on your server.
  • Root or sudo access to your server

Step 1: Update Your System

The first step is to ensure that your Ubuntu system is up to date. This is important to ensure that all the software on the system, including security patches, is current. You can update your system by running the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Step 2: Install mod_perl

Once your system is up to date, you can install the mod_perl module. Ubuntu includes mod_perl in its default repositories, so you can install it using the apt package manager. Run the following command to install mod_perl:

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2

This command will install mod_perl and all its dependencies.

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Step 3: Enable mod_perl

After installing mod_perl, you need to enable it. Apache on Ubuntu uses the a2enmod command to enable modules. You can enable mod_perl by running the following command:

sudo a2enmod perl

This command will enable the mod_perl module in Apache.

Step 4: Restart Apache

After enabling mod_perl, you need to restart the Apache server for the changes to take effect. You can restart Apache by running the following command:

sudo service apache2 restart

After restarting Apache, mod_perl will be active and ready to use.

Step 5: Verify mod_perl Installation

The final step is to verify that mod_perl is correctly installed and enabled. You can do this by checking the list of enabled Apache modules. Run the following command to list all enabled Apache modules:

sudo apache2ctl -M

In the list of modules, you should see ‘perl_module (shared)’. This indicates that mod_perl is correctly installed and enabled.

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Congratulations! You have successfully enabled the mod_perl Apache module on your Ubuntu server. By integrating Perl with your Apache server, you can now leverage the power and flexibility of Perl to create dynamic web content, improve performance, and extend the functionality of your server.

Remember, mod_perl is a powerful tool, but with great power comes great responsibility. Always ensure that your Perl scripts are secure and well-tested to prevent potential issues.

If you’re interested in further enhancing your server capabilities, consider exploring other Apache modules or even other server options like Nginx or LiteSpeed.

And if you’re considering a different hosting solution, be sure to check out our guides on dedicated server, VPS server, cloud hosting, and shared hosting.


  1. What is the mod_perl Apache module?

    Mod_perl is an optional module for the Apache HTTP server that embeds a Perl interpreter into the Apache server, allowing Perl scripts to execute directly within the server for improved performance and functionality.

  2. Why should I enable mod_perl on my Apache server?

    Enabling mod_perl on your Apache server allows you to leverage the power and flexibility of Perl to create dynamic web content, improve performance, and extend the functionality of your server.

  3. How can I verify that mod_perl is correctly installed and enabled?

    You can verify that mod_perl is correctly installed and enabled by checking the list of enabled Apache modules with the command ‘sudo apache2ctl -M’. You should see ‘perl_module (shared)’ in the list.

  4. What other Apache modules should I consider?

    Apache offers a wide range of modules to extend its functionality. The choice of modules depends on your specific needs. Some popular modules include mod_ssl for secure connections, mod_rewrite for URL manipulation, and mod_security for enhanced security.

  5. What are the alternatives to Apache?

    There are several alternatives to Apache, including Nginx and LiteSpeed. These servers offer different features and performance characteristics, so the best choice depends on your specific needs.

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Commands Mentioned

  • sudo apt-get update – Updates the list of available packages and their versions, but it does not install or upgrade any packages.
  • sudo apt-get upgrade – Installs newer versions of the packages you have. After updating the lists, the package manager knows about available updates for the software you have installed.
  • sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2 – Installs the mod_perl module and all its dependencies.
  • sudo a2enmod perl – Enables the mod_perl module in Apache.
  • sudo service apache2 restart – Restarts the Apache server for the changes to take effect.
  • sudo apache2ctl -M – Lists all enabled Apache modules.


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