How to Create Account on Zimbra using zmprov Tool

zmprovThe zmprov command is a tool that can performs all provisioning tasks in Zimbra LDAP, including creating accounts, aliases, domains, distribution lists, and calendar resources. Each operation or command is invoked through command-line options, each of which has a long name and a short name. In this post i will share on how to create an account on Zimbra Collaboration Suite using zmprov command tool :

1. Login as zimbra user :

[root@mail ~]# su - zimbra

2. Perform the following zmprov tool to create zimbra account with display name but without password. If the zimbra mail host is connected to external ldap, set password is not required :

[zimbra@mail ~]$ zmprov ca demo@zimbra.local "" displayName "Demo Account"

3. If the account(demo@zimbra.local) is using the zimbra LDAP password (internal), you can use this command to change any password. Simply enter the address of the password to be changed as below :
SetPassword = sa
zmprov sp {name@domain} {password}

[zimbra@mail ~]$ zmprov sp demo@zimbra.local password


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