How to install VMware Tools in Linux VM

VMware Tools is a suite of utilities that significantly improves the performance of a virtual machine’s guest operating system (OS) and enhances the management of the virtual machine (VM). It is a crucial component for optimizing the functionality of your VM OS. Without VMware Tools, the guest OS will lack some essential features.

This guide will walk you through the process of installing VMware Tools in a Linux VM.

Step-by-Step Guide to Install VMware Tools in Linux VM

Step 1: Initiate the Installation Process

Right-click on the VM, navigate to the ‘Guest’ option, and select ‘Install/Upgrade VMware Tools’. This action will mount a CDROM on the VM Guest with the VMwareTools*.tar.gz file.

Step 2: Copy the VMware Tools Package to a Temporary Directory

Copy the VMwareTools*.tar.gz file to the /tmp directory. This directory is used for storing temporary files needed by the system.

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Step 3: Navigate to the Temporary Directory

Use the ‘cd’ command to navigate to the /tmp directory. The ‘cd’ command, short for ‘change directory’, is used to change the current working directory in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.

Step 4: Extract the VMware Tools Package

Extract the VMwareTools*.tar.gz file using the ‘tar’ command followed by the options ‘zxfv’. The ‘tar’ command is used to manipulate tar archives in Linux. The options ‘zxfv’ tell tar to eXtract the File Verbose, meaning it will show the progress in the terminal.

Step 5: Navigate to the VMware Tools Distribution

Change your current directory to vmware-tools-distrib using the ‘cd’ command.

Step 6: Run the VMware Tools Installer

Run the VMware Tools installer by executing the ‘./ –default’ command. This command will start the installation process with the default options.

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By following these steps, you will successfully install the VMware Tools in your Linux VM.

Commands Mentioned

  • cd – Changes the current working directory.
  • tar – Manipulates tar archives.
  • ./ –default – Runs the VMware Tools installer with default options.


Installing VMware Tools in your Linux VM is a crucial step in optimizing the performance and functionality of your virtual machine’s guest operating system. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily install VMware Tools and enhance your VM management capabilities.

Remember, the key to effective VM management lies in understanding the tools at your disposal and how to use them effectively.

Happy hosting!


  1. What is VMware Tools?

    VMware Tools is a suite of utilities that enhances the performance and management of a virtual machine’s guest operating system.

  2. Why do I need to install VMware Tools?

    Installing VMware Tools is crucial for optimizing the functionality of your VM’s guest operating system.Without it, the guest OS may lack some essential features.

  3. What does the ‘cd’ command do?

    The ‘cd’ command, short for ‘change directory’, is used to change the current working directory in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.

  4. What does the ‘tar’ command do?

    The ‘tar’ command is used to manipulate tar archives in Linux. It can be used to create, extract, or view the contents of tar archives.

  5. What does the ‘./ –default’ command do?

    The ‘./ –default’ command runs the VMware Tools installer with default options.


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