How to Setup and Configure Yum Repository from CD-ROM/DVD-ROM image on CentOS 6.3

In this guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to set up and configure a local yum repository from a DVD/CDROM on CentOS 6.3. Utilizing a local yum repository allows you to install and update RPM packages with ease, even in situations where your CentOS server is operating behind a proxy or lacks an internet connection. This guide is designed to provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions, ensuring you can successfully complete the setup process.

For further understanding of CentOS and other web servers, you may want to explore our articles on the best web servers, and specifically about Apache, Nginx, and LiteSpeed.

Step 1: Insert DVD/ISO into DVD-Drive

The first step in setting up your local yum repository is to insert your DVD or ISO into the DVD drive of your CentOS server.

Step 2: Mount the ISO from the DVD-ROM

Next, you will need to mount the ISO from the DVD-ROM into the /mnt directory. This can be done by executing the following command:

<code># mount /dev/cdrom /mnt</code>

This command mounts the DVD-ROM, which is represented by /dev/cdrom, to the /mnt directory. The system will notify you that the block device is write-protected and is being mounted as read-only.

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Step 3: Create a Repository Configuration File

In this step, you will create a repository configuration file named centos63.repo in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. This file will contain the necessary details for your local yum repository. Execute the following command to create and open the file:

<code># vi /etc/yum.repos.d/centos63.repo</code>

In the opened file, input the following content:

name=DVD-CentOS6.3 repository

This configuration sets the base URL of the repository to the /mnt directory where the DVD-ROM is mounted. The repository is enabled, and the GPG key check is disabled.

Step 4: Use the Yum Command

With the repository set up, you can now use the yum command to install, remove, and update packages. For instance, to install perl, you would use the following command:

<code># yum install perl -y</code>

This command instructs yum to install the perl package, and the -y option automatically answers yes to any prompts, allowing the installation to proceed without further user input.

Commands Mentioned

  • mount /dev/cdrom /mnt – This command mounts the DVD-ROM to the /mnt directory.
  • vi /etc/yum.repos.d/centos63.repo – This command opens the centos63.repo file in the vi editor.
  • yum install perl -y – This command installs the perl package using yum.
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Setting up a local yum repository on CentOS 6.3 using a DVD/CDROM is a straightforward process that can be accomplished in just a few steps. This setup allows you to manage RPM packages locally, which can be particularly useful in environments where internet access is restricted or unavailable. By following this guide, you should now be able to set up your own local yum repository, install packages, and perform updates with ease.

For further reading and to understand more about different types of hosting, you can read about dedicated server, VPS server, cloud hosting, and shared hosting on our website.

Remember, the key to successful server management and optimization lies in understanding the tools at your disposal and how to use them effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned webmaster or a beginner, continuous learning and practice are essential to mastering these skills.


  1. What is the purpose of a local yum repository?

    A local yum repository allows you to install and update RPM packages even when your CentOS server is operating behind a proxy or lacks an internet connection. It provides a convenient way to manage packages locally.

  2. What does the mount command do in this context?

    The mount command is used to mount the ISO from the DVD-ROM into the /mnt directory. This makes the contents of the DVD-ROM accessible from the /mnt directory, which is then used as the base URL for the local yum repository.

  3. What is the purpose of the centos63.repo file?

    The centos63.repo file is a repository configuration file. It contains the necessary details for your local yum repository, including the name of the repository, the base URL, and whether the repository is enabled or not.

  4. What does the yum install command do?

    The yum install command is used to install a specific package. In this guide, it is used to install the perl package. The -y option automatically answers yes to any prompts, allowing the installation to proceed without further user input.

  5. Why is gpgcheck set to 0 in the repository configuration?

    Setting gpgcheck to 0 disables the GPG key check. This means that yum will not verify the authenticity of the packages using GPG signatures. This is typically done in a trusted environment where package authenticity is not a concern.


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