How to Uninstall RunCloud on Ubuntu

How to Uninstall RunCloud on Ubuntu

RunCloud is a popular server management panel that simplifies the process of managing web applications on cloud servers. While it offers a plethora of features, there might be instances where you’d want to uninstall it, perhaps to switch to another management tool or to clean up your web server.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to safely uninstall RunCloud from your Ubuntu server.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Backup Your Data

Before making any significant changes to your server, it’s paramount to backup all your data. This is a safety measure that ensures you can restore your server to its previous state if something goes awry.

Backup the root directories of all your web applications. For instance, if you’re using a standard LAMP stack, you might find your web applications in the /var/www/html directory.

sudo tar -czvf webapps_backup.tar.gz /var/www/html/

If you’re using MySQL or MariaDB, you can use the mysqldump command:

mysqldump -u [username] -p[password] [database_name] > database_backup.sql

Replace [username], [password], and [database_name] with your database credentials.

Backup configuration files for services like Nginx, Apache, and PHP. These are typically found in /etc/.

sudo tar -czvf server_configs_backup.tar.gz /etc/nginx/ /etc/apache2/ /etc/php/

Once you’ve created your backups, transfer them to a safe location. This could be an external hard drive, a cloud storage solution, or another server. For instance, using scp to transfer files to another server:

scp webapps_backup.tar.gz username@remote_server:/path/to/store/

Step 2: Stop All RunCloud Services

Before uninstalling, ensure that all RunCloud services are stopped.

sudo systemctl stop runcloud-agent
sudo systemctl stop runcloud-fail2ban

Step 3: Remove RunCloud Packages

Now, you’ll remove all packages related to RunCloud.

sudo apt-get purge runcloud-agent runcloud-fail2ban runcloud-packages

Step 4: Clean Up Remaining Files

Even after uninstalling the packages, some configuration files and directories might remain. Ensure you remove them.

sudo rm -rf /etc/runcloud
sudo rm -rf /var/log/runcloud

Step 5: Revert Server Configuration (Optional)

RunCloud often customizes server configurations to optimize performance and security. If you wish to revert to the original settings:

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If you had a previous configuration for Nginx, restore it:

sudo cp /path/to/backup/nginx/* /etc/nginx/
sudo systemctl restart nginx

Similarly, for Apache:

sudo cp /path/to/backup/apache2/* /etc/apache2/
sudo systemctl restart apache2

If multiple PHP versions are installed, ensure you restore configurations for each:

sudo cp /path/to/backup/php/7.4/* /etc/php/7.4/
sudo systemctl restart php7.4-fpm

RunCloud might have installed additional software on your server. Use the package manager to remove them:

sudo apt-get remove [software_name]

Replace [software_name] with the name of the software installed by RunCloud that you wish to remove.

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Commands Mentioned

  • sudo systemctl stop runcloud-agent – Stops the RunCloud agent service.
  • sudo systemctl stop runcloud-fail2ban – Stops the RunCloud fail2ban service.
  • sudo apt-get purge runcloud-agent runcloud-fail2ban runcloud-packages – Removes RunCloud packages.
  • sudo rm -rf /etc/runcloud – Deletes RunCloud configuration directory.
  • sudo rm -rf /var/log/runcloud – Deletes RunCloud logs directory.
  • sudo tar -czvf webapps_backup.tar.gz /var/www/html/ – Creates a backup of web applications located in the `/var/www/html/` directory.
  • mysqldump -u [username] -p[password] [database_name] > database_backup.sql – Backs up a specific MySQL or MariaDB database.
  • sudo tar -czvf server_configs_backup.tar.gz /etc/nginx/ /etc/apache2/ /etc/php/ – Backs up configuration files for Nginx, Apache, and PHP.
  • scp webapps_backup.tar.gz username@remote_server:/path/to/store/ – Transfers the web application backup to a remote server.
  • sudo cp /path/to/backup/nginx/* /etc/nginx/ – Restores the Nginx configuration from a backup.
  • sudo cp /path/to/backup/apache2/* /etc/apache2/ – Restores the Apache configuration from a backup.
  • sudo cp /path/to/backup/php/7.4/* /etc/php/7.4/ – Restores the PHP 7.4 configuration from a backup.
  • sudo apt-get remove [software_name] – Removes software installed by RunCloud.


  1. Why would someone want to uninstall RunCloud?

    There could be several reasons, including switching to another server management tool, cleaning up the server, or facing compatibility issues with other software.

  2. Is it safe to uninstall RunCloud?

    Yes, if you follow the proper steps and backup your data, it’s safe. However, always ensure you have a backup before making significant changes.

  3. Can I reinstall RunCloud after uninstallation?

    Yes, you can reinstall RunCloud anytime after uninstallation by following their installation guide.

  4. Will uninstalling RunCloud affect my web applications?

    If you’ve backed up your data and followed the steps correctly, your web applications should remain unaffected. However, configurations made by RunCloud might be reverted.

  5. What should I do if I face issues after uninstalling RunCloud?

    If you face any issues, refer to your backups and restore your server to its previous state. It’s also advisable to consult with a server administrator or expert.

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Uninstalling RunCloud from your Ubuntu server is a straightforward process if you follow the steps meticulously. Always ensure you have a backup of your data before making any significant changes to your server.

If you’re looking to explore other server management tools or hosting options, consider checking out dedicated server hosting, VPS hosting, cloud hosting, or shared hosting to find a solution that best fits your needs.


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