How to Uninstall Sentora on Ubuntu

How to Uninstall Sentora on Ubuntu

Sentora is a popular open-source web hosting control panel that allows users to manage multiple websites, emails, and databases. While it offers a plethora of features, there might be instances where you’d want to uninstall it, perhaps to switch to another control panel or to troubleshoot specific issues.

This guide will walk you through the steps to completely uninstall Sentora from your Ubuntu server. Before proceeding, it’s essential to back up any critical data, as this process will remove all associated files and configurations.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Backup Your Data

Before making any changes to your server, it’s crucial to back up all essential data. This includes website files, databases, emails, and any other critical information. Use tools like rsync or tar to create backups of your directories.

1.1: Using rsync for File Backup

rsync is a powerful tool that allows for fast incremental file transfer. Here’s how you can use it:

rsync -avz /path/to/source_directory/ /path/to/backup_directory/

-a stands for “archive” and syncs directories recursively, preserving symbolic links, file permissions, and timestamps.
-v increases verbosity, allowing you to see the files being transferred.
-z compresses the data, speeding up the transfer.

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1.2: Using tar for Archiving

tar is a utility that creates archive files. To create a compressed archive of your directory:

tar -czvf backup_name.tar.gz /path/to/source_directory/

-c creates a new archive.
-z compresses the archive using gzip.
-v displays the progress in the terminal.
-f allows you to specify the filename of the archive.

1.3: Backup Databases

For MySQL databases, use the mysqldump command:

mysqldump -u [username] -p[password] [database_name] > backup_name.sql

Replace [username], [password], and [database_name] with your MySQL credentials and the name of the database you want to back up.

1.4: Store Backups Safely

Once you’ve created your backups, store them in a safe location. Consider using external storage devices, cloud storage solutions, or even a different server. Regularly test your backups to ensure they’re intact and can be restored when needed.

Step 2: Stop All Sentora Services

To ensure a smooth uninstallation process, first stop all services related to Sentora:

sudo service apache2 stop
sudo service proftpd stop
sudo service postfix stop
sudo service dovecot stop
sudo service mysql stop

Step 3: Remove Sentora Packages

Now, uninstall the Sentora core and all related packages:

sudo apt-get purge sentora-core
sudo apt-get autoremove

Step 4: Remove Sentora Directories

After uninstalling the packages, remove all directories associated with Sentora:

sudo rm -rf /etc/sentora
sudo rm -rf /var/sentora

Step 5: Drop Sentora Databases

Before proceeding, log into your MySQL server:

mysql -u root -p

Once inside, drop all Sentora related databases:

DROP DATABASE sentora_core;
DROP DATABASE sentora_postfix;
DROP DATABASE sentora_proftpd;
DROP DATABASE sentora_roundcube;

Exit the MySQL prompt:


Commands Mentioned

  • sudo service [service-name] stop – Stops the specified service.
  • sudo apt-get purge [package-name] – Completely removes the specified package and its configuration files.
  • sudo rm -rf [directory-path] – Recursively removes the specified directory and its contents.
  • mysql -u root -p – Logs into the MySQL server as the root user.
  • DROP DATABASE [database-name]; – Deletes the specified database from MySQL.
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  1. Why would I want to uninstall Sentora?

    There could be multiple reasons, such as wanting to switch to another control panel, troubleshooting specific issues, or performing a fresh installation.

  2. Is it safe to uninstall Sentora?

    Yes, but it’s crucial to back up all essential data before proceeding, as the uninstallation will remove all associated files and configurations.

  3. What should I do after uninstalling Sentora?

    After uninstallation, you can install another control panel, restore a backup, or configure your server as per your requirements.

  4. How do I ensure that all Sentora files are removed?

    After following the uninstallation steps, you can use the ‘find’ command to search for any remaining Sentora-related files and manually remove them.

  5. Can I reinstall Sentora after uninstallation?

    Yes, you can reinstall Sentora anytime after uninstallation by following the official installation guide.

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Uninstalling Sentora from your Ubuntu server is a straightforward process, but it’s essential to approach it with caution. Always ensure you have backed up all critical data before proceeding.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully remove Sentora and all its associated files and configurations.

If you’re considering other hosting solutions, remember to explore options like dedicated server hosting, VPS server hosting, cloud hosting, and shared hosting to find the best fit for your needs.


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