CentOS 6.3


How to Install Clam Antivirus on CentOS 6.3

ClamAV is an open source (GPL) antivirus engine designed for detecting Trojans, viruses, malware and other malicious threats. It provides a high performance mutli-threaded scanning daemon, command line utilities for…


How to Configure RPMforge Repository on CentOS 6.3

RPMforge repository is a collaboration of Dag, Dries, and other packagers. The default RPMforge repository does not replace any CentOS base packages. This post covers the steps to configure RPMforge…

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How to Download CentOS 6.3 ISO

Linux CentOS 6.3 has been released and available for the download. CentOS is a community-supported, mainly free software operating system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is an open…


How to Install Vim on CentOS 6.3

Introduction: Vim is a popular, powerful, and highly configurable text editor that can be used to edit various types of files including source code, plain text files, and configuration files….

How to Install Wireshark on CentOS 6.3

Wireshark is a popular network protocol analyzer that can be used to monitor and analyze network traffic. In this guide, we will show you how to install Wireshark on CentOS…

How to Setup WordPress Blog on CentOS 6.3

WordPress is an open-source blogging platform. It’s a free blogging tool and content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. This steps covers how to install the WordPress on…

How to Install Httpd on CentOS 6.3

This post will show you the quick steps to install apache httpd on linux CentOS 6.3 server. Apache httpd is one of the most popular web servers and has a…

How to Check and Disable SELinux on CentOS 6.3

Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a feature inherent to Linux that provides a robust security mechanism for supporting access control security policies at the kernel level. SELinux performs checks for allowed…