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A Look at the Box Content Management System

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Web Hosting Geek

Box, a leader in cloud storage, recently released a new enterprise content management connector that is integrated with its storage platform. Aptly named, “Box’s ECM Cloud Connect”, the software was developed in conjunction with EntropySoft; a company that helps enterprises extend the reach of their systems through a link to Box’s cloud storage platform.

Improved Access

The main premise of this collaboration is to provide improved access to content between employees through mobile devices, tablets, netbooks, iOS and Android software. This new service allows companies to seamlessly transfer content between Box’s cloud storage system and an in-house enterprise content management system. For instance, if an employee transfers a photo into a folder on a laptop, it will also appear on a Box software-enabled iPhone.

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Link to Other Systems

ECM Cloud Connect currently links Box to over 40 other systems including popular content management systems like Microsoft SharePoint and EMC Documentum. The software basically allows users to create, modify, share and access files from any location, at any time on any device supported by the software. This is the definition of total integration technology.

The initial Box software provided a cloud platform for the storage and sharing of data with the ability to access that data from a variety of devices. However, the platform lacked one specific component; a connector which linked it to enterprise content management systems. This is where EntropySoft entered the equation.

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Reluctance to Change

Through business analysis, these two companies discovered that most organizations already have a content management system and use them for records management, workflow and asset management. Therefore, they are hesitant to abandon their current system and migrate all their data to a cloud-based platform. Cloud Connect allows them to keep their current system and reap the benefits of cloud computing.

Compliance Policies

Additionally, Box assists with compliance and corporate records-management as well as archiving policies for all content on their storage platform. Utilizing Cloud Connect software sanctions new, existing and future customers to synchronize content between Box and the 40 in-house content management systems.

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Applications Marketplace

Furthermore, Box boasts a unique applications marketplace with over 150 partner applications like Google Apps, Salesforce and NetSuite. This expands the amount of flexibility and customization that accompanies the software.

The Cloud Connect software is an excellent addition to Box’s innovative products. This highly-necessary product will take those in all industries one step closer to being a fully integrated unit of communication and information.


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