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Search engine optimization and marketing

Google Domains Will Offer 60 New TLDs 

After much anticipation, Google Domains is finally available for public use. The tech giant entered the domain name registrar market back in June 2014, but until now, the service has…

Is India Becoming the Next IT Giant?

One of the fastest growing industries in India, the country is now poised to become a global leader in technology. In 1984, Texas Instruments opened its facility in India, opening…

Bouncing Back from Bad Web Hosting Reviews

Your web hosting customers have more ways than ever to let everyone know exactly what they think of your services. While getting a good review can make you feel as…

How Did .uk Fare after its Launch?

When it comes to the World Wide Web, there is no shortage of extensions. Obviously, .com, .net and .org are the most common web domain name extensions. However, there are…

Should You Follow Web Design Trends?

You may not be old enough to remember the trend of animated glitter type and prancing glitter unicorn gifs but they were there and they were way too popular. Much…