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Free Software

Top 5 Sources to Download Free Software

Several years back a computer was enough to keep up with the latest technological trends, however, today, a working internet connection is compulsory if you don’t want to be left…

Top 10 Domain Registrars

Domain registrars are necessary for building a website. If you want your website to have a professional domain, you will need to sign up with a specific domain hosting website….

Test Drive: Ubuntu, Vista, or Windows 7

If you heard discussions lending credence to the reasons why it’s worth switching to Ubuntu, you may be a bit skeptical and need more convincing. Thus we invite you to…

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 Review

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5, a part of Adobe Creative Suite 5.5, is an application used to help you create, design, and develop your own personal website. With the help of Adobe,…

The Resurgence of Apache

Evolution occurs at such a lightning-fast pace on the World Wide Web that almost nothing maintains dominance for very long.  Things like Google as a search engine and Flash as…

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How To Connect To Your Server Using SSH

SSH is about as cool as sliced bread, if maybe not a little bit more so. Seriously, it’s a great way to get at your server’s terminal shell, which—as we…


Clean Your YUM Out!

YUM is a package manager and updater service for Red Hat Linux, and if you’re part of the Red Hat Network, you’re likely already using the offering to keep your…

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Linux Server Logs Explained

It’s a jungle out there, and when things go wrong in web hosting, they often go terribly wrong. It’s a tragic fact of life that not all technology is full-proof…