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Top 10 Domain Registrars

6 minutes 4 comments
Web Hosting Geek

Domain registrars are necessary for building a website. If you want your website to have a professional domain, you will need to sign up with a specific domain hosting website. The domain is important because most Internet users prefer a domain that is short and sweet and ends with .com. The only way you can have your website end with .com is to essentially lease one by signing up with a domain registrar and purchasing the rights of use.

There are lots of domain hosting websites to choose from which makes it difficult to decide which one you will use for your personal website. However, there are quite a few domain registrars that take the lead over all the other domain registrars on the Internet. These domain websites also accept a variety of payments including PayPal, which is definitely convenient and safe.

Below is a list of some of the top domain registrars on the Internet today:



This Company has been around for such a long time and own just about 30 percent of the market share. This website is reputable and trusted; it is a company that you know will do the right job and never scam you. During the first year of services, you will be charged around $11 a month. This amount seems quite affordable when you think of all that the domain registrars will do for you. They have handled over 34 million domain names in the past and present and will continue to handle more domain names in the future as more and more people build their own websites. GoDaddy offers so much more than just a domain name to the customers that they provide service to. GoDaddy also offers email accounts, web hosting, online security products and website builders. All of these important tools have been helping people do better in business which also enables them to have more success with their website and, in return, make more money with it as well.

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Enom is a good website for domain hosting but it has a long way to go to catch up to GoDaddy in the market share. Enom only owns about 8 percent of the market share. Customers who use Enom will typically have to pay around $35 a month which is just too much to some people. This is the main reason why many people prefer other domain registrars that are much more affordable. That is not to say that Enom does not provide excellent service, because it surely does. Enom has handled only a little after 10 million domain names.



The only way to get domain names from TuCows is by going to their affiliate sites. They only own about 6 percent of the market share. TuCows has handled close to 8 million domain names which is still a long way to go to even come close to catching up with GoDaddy. TuCows charges $15 a month for the first year of service. The cost of service is definitely cheaper than Enom but is still more expensive than GoDaddy. TuCows also sell other types of internet services on their website.

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NetworkSolutions offer domain service solutions like no other. They only have 5 percent of the market share and have handled over 6 million domain names. Much like Enom, they charge about $35 per month for the first year of service.



Schlund are the leader of the most Europe domain registrar names. They currently own over 5 million of the Europe domain names. Their domain services are only for people with 1&1 internet which is why they only own about 4 percent of the market share. For the first year of services, you will be charged about $16 per month.



This site offers domain names in various spaces which includes com, org, biz, info and edu. As of right now, their market share is 3.5 percent. They’ve handled over 4 million domain names and charge $35 for service.



Wildwestdomains only owns about 3 percent of the market share. They have handled over 3 million domain names. The website also offers wholesales during their first year to new customers who want to use their services.



This website has some competitive prices which is why they are slowly gaining popularity. As of right now, they own 2.1 percent of the market. They have handled over 2.4 million domain names and offer wholesale prices for customers who are interested in signing up for several domain names with them.

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This website offers a support system that is quite amazing and is the best thing that they seem to have going for them. They only have 2 percent of the market share. They have handled 2.3 million domain names and charge nearly $35 for the first year of service.



This website can help you choose the right name for your own website, even if it was already registered before. They also provide auctions on domains and a domain brokerage. They currently have 2.4 percent of the market share. They have handled almost 3 million domain names and charge $8 for the first year of service.


Bellow are the market share stats of the top domain registrars by


It can be hard choosing a domain registrar due to the expansive providers. However, these are just some of the domain hosts that are currently on the market. Amongst these ten different domain hosts, there are a bunch of other domain registrars as well.

Most people would probably advise you to go with GoDaddy because it has been around for such a long time and is also cheaper than all of the other websites. Affordability and dependability are two things that many people look for when they are putting their website in the hands of someone else. It is ultimately your decision as to which domain registrar you will go with. Just make sure that you make the right decision and choose one that will have a lot to offer you.



  • Avatar for Domain Dome Domain Dome says:

    Good review but I must it was probably based on market shares. There are better and top domain name registrars you didn’t mention. Namesilo, Namecheap and Name dot com.

  • Avatar for david david says:

    Godaddy is the best in my opinion. Great prices, great service and great admin panel. You can pay via credit or paypal too which is helpful. There are many promotion codes out there to which come in handy. http// has a whole heap that you can use.

  • Avatar for Jean Jean says:

    I use Dynadot for my domain name.
    Dynadot is not the Top 10 Registrar, but they are excellent.

  • Avatar for Free Host Free Host says:

    ResellerClub provides good value for money for may resellers. They are one of the top 10 on the web hosting scene.

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