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How Secure is Virtualization Technology?

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Web Hosting Geek

A September 2009 survey released by Centrify revealed that the major barrier facing 46% of the respondents when it comes to adopting virtualization is security. In fact, only an estimated 20% of respondents said they were strongly confident in the security infrastructure of their virtualized environments. Professionals heavy into the technology sector are well aware of the security conundrum that surrounds virtualization. It has become such an issue that EMC recently assembled a panel of experts from its Ionix, RSA and Vmware divisions to put together some guidelines for adequately securing virtualized environments. What they came up with was “Security Compliance in a Virtual World,” a report that focuses on many key points that must be considered for ensuring virtualization security.

OS Hardening

The configuration for virtual machines and switches must be hardened just like your physical boxes and network switches. The underlying operating system must also be hardened through routine patches and updates, removal of unused components and maintaining secure settings. The EMC report suggests modeling virtual systems after the guidelines from the CIS (Center for Internet Security) and DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) as they are viewed as well established security practices.

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Configuration and Change Management

Since virtualization technology makes it simple to deploy new virtual machines and modify their set ups, it becomes very easy to fall into a chaotic state of configuration when it comes time to managing the environment. Even when systems are adequately hardened during installation, it is still important for organizations to stay on top of the environment to ensure a secure configuration. This means that when system settings are modified or new software applications are added, administrators are making sure the virtual system continues to meet what the EMA report calls the “gold standard” of configuration.

Access Control

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Practical security polices such as least privilege and separation of duty should not be thrown to the wayside just because virtualization has come into the picture. Instead, such principles should become more essential than ever. The presence of virtualization results in increased density of all the systems and applications on your server. This is more convenient for your organization as well as the intruder who may be able to manipulate these systems if proper access control is not enforced and maintained. The report suggests that solution providers aid their staff and clients in understanding the importance of role-based access control both in and out of the virtual environment.

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Network Security and Segmentation

Companies operating virtual servers lacking any sort of segmentation are far more vulnerable to exploit and exposure than organizations making use of virtual switches to incorporate those virtual machines into virtual local area networks like their physical counterparts. The security report explains that one of the most essential factors in compliance is ensuring that data is isolated and not mingled with or available to users on other virtual machines. Organizations that possess expertise in the network security field should put it to use in the virtualization environment. This can be done by obtaining virtual switches and other virtual security mechanisms such as firewalls and intrusion protection systems to protect network perimeters.


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