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Icon Contests are Crowdsourcing

Back to crowdsourcing! The fact is crowdsourcing is more common and easier than we often think.  In a nutshell, crowdsourcing is the idea of putting a task into the hands…


Micro-Manufacturing: A Revolution Begins

Social manufacturing is upon us, and it has transformed manufacturing from macro-factories to micro-factories.  The new Google DRIVE  will be a part of it, since only robust and readily accessible…

CrowdSourcing: Use it.

Grizzled, bleary-eyed, booze-reeking, day laborers arrive at a parking lot around 8 a.m. for work. If you hire one and want more work, hold off payment as long as possible;…

DesignContest – Workflow Innovation

Crowd sourcing. No phrase makes more designers cringe than crowd sourcing, except maybe “angry clients with pitchforks.” For whatever reason, the thought of competing with thousands of other users for…