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Introducing HMS Panel

HMS Panel is an all-in-one control panel designed for Linux server platforms.  A multi-server solution, it offers a number of advantages to both the web hosting provider or the customer…

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Use Captcha To Keep Spammers At Bay

One of the first and most annoying things that can happen to a new web site owner is being blasted with spam.  There is a dilemma presented when wanting to…


The Benefits of Secure Email Hosting

Modern email hosting plans designed for businesses that cannot or simply do not want to spend their precious time and resources on setting up and managing an internal messaging infrastructure….

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Web Hosting Features – A Necessary Foundation

For a plethora of reasons, millions of customer are motivated to start a website.  Each new hosting acount accompanies a unique set of requirements.  Although price, customer support, and reliability…

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Introduction to Exchange Hosting

Exchange hosting revolves around a popular server software application that facilitates the sending and receiving of electronic messages and the sharing of other business critical data via online or wireless…