How to Create System Configuration Summaries for CentOS 5.5 using cfg2html

In this tutorial i will show you how to collect and create the system configuration summaries for Linux CentOS 5.5. The output file will be in the HTML format.

1. Please visit to download cfg2html

For example :
26.01.2011 | 428.603 | | cfg2html for Linux, SuSE+RedHat RPM, native Debian/Ubuntu package for apt(itude)/dpkg, \nSource Code for other distros

2. Extract the .zip and looking for .rpm file. Copy this .rpm to /tmp directory on your server. In this tutorial we will use cfg2html-linux-1.87-1.noarch.rpm to install cfg2html in Linux CentOS 5.5

See also  How to Install FTP Server Linux using ProFTPd

3. Putty to your server and follow below command.

    [root@server tmp]# ls
    [root@server tmp]# rpm -hiv cfg2html-linux-1.87-1.noarch.rpm
    Preparing...             ########################################### [100%]
    1:cfg2html-linux         ########################################### [100%]
    [root@server tmp]# which cfg2html-linux
    [root@server tmp]# cd /usr/bin
    [root@server bin]# ls *cfg2html-linux*
    [root@server bin]# mkdir /tmp/cfg2html
    [root@server bin]# cp cfg2html-linux /tmp/cfg2html
    [root@server bin]# cd  /tmp/cfg2html
    [root@server cfg2html]# ls

Please make sure that there are no other files in “/tmp/cfg2html” directory except cfg2html-linux as all the output files will be store in this directory. Proceed to run the cfg2html script.

    [root@server cfg2html]# ./cfg2html-linux
    --=[ ]=-----------------------------------------------
    Starting          cfg2html-linux version 1.87-2011-01-26
    Path to Cfg2Html  ./cfg2html-linux
    HTML Output File  ./server.intranet.local.html
    Text Output File  ./server.intranet.local.txt
    Partitions        ./
    Errors logged to  ./server.intranet.local.err
    Started at        2011-02-28 21:22:53
    WARNING           USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! :-))
    --=[ ]=-----------------------------------------------
    Collecting:  Linux System CentOS release 5.5 (Final)  ............................
    Collecting:  Cron and At  .........
    Collecting:  Hardware  ....................
    Collecting:  Software  .......
    Collecting:  Filesystems, Dump- and Swapconfiguration  ...........
    Collecting:  Multipath Configuration  ........
    Collecting:  LVM  ........
    Collecting:  Network Settings  ................................
    Collecting:  Kernel, Modules and Libraries  ................
    Collecting:  System Enhancements  ..
    Collecting:  Applications and Subsystems  ...........
    --=[ ]=-----------------------------------------------
    Creating:    JPG/GIFs
    x - cfg2html_back.jpg [non-ascii]
    x - profbull.gif [non-ascii]
    [root@server cfg2html]# ls
    cfg2html_back.jpg       server.intranet.local.html             profbull.gif
    server.intranet.local.err  server.intranet.local.txt

Make a copy of this cfg2html folder on your local pc. You can view the system configuration by run the server.intranet.local.html.


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