How to Install Webmin 1.570 on CentOS 5.7 from tar.gz file

In this post, i will share on how to install the Webmin, a web-based interface for system administration for Linux, on CentOS 5.7 server. Different from my previous post on “How to Install Webmin 1.570-1 on CentOS 6.2 using RPM“, this post will show you the steps on installing the webmin from the tar.gz file.

Download the tar.gz file.

[root@CentOS57 ~]# cd /tmp
[root@CentOS57 tmp]# wget
--2012-01-21 08:22:30--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: [following]
--2012-01-21 08:22:31--
Reusing existing connection to
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2012-01-21 08:22:31--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 15200156 (14M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: `webmin-1.570.tar.gz'

100%[==========================================================>] 15,200,156  81.3K/s   in 3m 10s

2012-01-21 08:25:42 (78.2 KB/s) - `webmin-1.570.tar.gz' saved [15200156/15200156]

Extract the file.

[root@CentOS57 tmp]# tar xzvf webmin-1.570.tar.gz
[root@CentOS57 tmp]# cd webmin-1.570

When the script is run, it will ask the following questions :

The Webmin configuration directory
-The directory in which all Webmin configuration information is stored. This is now separate from the Webmin install directory, so that configurations are saved when you upgrade.
If you have previously installed Webmin and use the same config directory, this will be the only question asked.

The Webmin log directory
-The location for pid and webserver log files.

The full path to perl on your system
-This is usually /usr/bin/perl or /usr/local/bin/perl

Your Operating system type
-In Webmin versions 0.990 and above, this question is only asked if your operating system cannot be automatically determined.
The setup script will display a list of supported systems. If your OS is not on the list, you can try choosing the closest match. However this may not work properly, and may even cause serious problems!

See also  How to Configure EPEL Repository on CentOS 6.4 x86_64

Web server port
-The TCP port that the Webmin web server will listen on.

Web server login and password
-The login name and password used to acess the Webmin web server.

Web server hostname
-The hostname of the machine on which Webmin will run.

-This question will only be asked if your system has the Perl SSL libraries installed. See below for more..

Start Webmin at boot time
-If your OS is supported, Webmin will ask if you want to have it automatically started at boot time.

[root@CentOS57 webmin-1.570]# ./ /usr/local/webmin
*            Welcome to the Webmin setup script, version 1.570        *
Webmin is a web-based interface that allows Unix-like operating
systems and common Unix services to be easily administered.

Installing Webmin from /tmp/webmin-1.570 to /usr/local/webmin ...

Webmin uses separate directories for configuration files and log files.
Unless you want to run multiple versions of Webmin at the same time
you can just accept the defaults.

Config file directory [/etc/webmin]:
Log file directory [/var/webmin]:

Webmin is written entirely in Perl. Please enter the full path to the
Perl 5 interpreter on your system.

Full path to perl (default /usr/bin/perl):

Testing Perl ...
Perl seems to be installed ok

Operating system name:    CentOS Linux
Operating system version: 5.7

Webmin uses its own password protected web server to provide access
to the administration programs. The setup script needs to know :
 - What port to run the web server on. There must not be another
   web server already using this port.
 - The login name required to access the web server.
 - The password required to access the web server.
 - If the webserver should use SSL (if your system supports it).
 - Whether to start webmin at boot time.

Web server port (default 10000):
Login name (default admin):
Login password:
Password again:
The Perl SSLeay library is not installed. SSL not available.
Start Webmin at boot time (y/n): y
Copying files to /usr/local/webmin ..

Creating web server config files..

Creating access control file..

Inserting path to perl into scripts..

Creating start and stop scripts..

Copying config files..

Creating uninstall script /etc/webmin/ ..

Changing ownership and permissions ..

Running postinstall scripts ..
PID file /var/webmin/ does not exist
Subroutine setup_ca redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 72.
Subroutine install_webmin_module redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 122.
Subroutine grant_user_module redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 419.
Subroutine delete_webmin_module redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 460.
Subroutine file_basename redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 569.
Subroutine gnupg_setup redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 583.
Subroutine list_standard_modules redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 611.
Subroutine standard_chooser_button redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 643.
Subroutine list_third_modules redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 656.
Subroutine third_chooser_button redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 688.
Subroutine get_webmin_base_version redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 699.
Subroutine base_version redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 709.
Subroutine get_newmodule_users redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 720.
Subroutine save_newmodule_users redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 742.
Subroutine get_miniserv_sockets redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 766.
Subroutine fetch_updates redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 814.
Subroutine check_update_signature redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 881.
Subroutine find_cron_job redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 912.
Subroutine get_ipkeys redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 924.
Subroutine save_ipkeys redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 945.
Subroutine validate_key_cert redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 977.
Subroutine detect_operating_system redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 998.
Subroutine show_webmin_notifications redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1033.
Subroutine get_webmin_notifications redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1049.
Subroutine get_system_uptime redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1238.
Subroutine list_operating_systems redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1285.
Subroutine shared_root_directory redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1310.
Subroutine submit_os_info redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1347.
Subroutine get_webmin_id redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1375.
Subroutine ip_match redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1391.
Subroutine prefix_to_mask redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1463.
Subroutine valid_allow redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1477.
Subroutine get_preloads redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1522.
Subroutine save_preloads redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1534.
Subroutine get_tempdirs redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1545.
Subroutine save_tempdirs redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1562.
Subroutine get_module_install_type redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1581.
Subroutine get_install_type redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1598.
Subroutine list_cached_files redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1628.
Subroutine show_restart_page redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1647.
Subroutine cert_info redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1665.
Subroutine cert_pem_data redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1706.
Subroutine cert_pkcs12_data redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1721.
Subroutine get_blocked_users_hosts redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1747.
Subroutine show_ssl_key_form redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1775.
Subroutine parse_ssl_key_form redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1819.
Subroutine build_installed_modules redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1892.
Subroutine get_latest_webmin_version redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1934.
Subroutine filter_updates redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 1967.
Subroutine list_keys redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 23.
Subroutine list_keys_sorted redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 74.
Subroutine list_secret_keys redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 82.
Subroutine key_fingerprint redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 88.
Subroutine get_passphrase redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 105.
Subroutine put_passphrase redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 116.
Subroutine encrypt_data redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 128.
Subroutine decrypt_data redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 167.
Subroutine sign_data redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 224.
Subroutine verify_data redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 283.
Subroutine read_entire_file redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 327.
Subroutine write_entire_file redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 339.
Subroutine get_trust_level redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 349.
Subroutine delete_key redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 371.
Subroutine default_email_address redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 398.
Subroutine fetch_gpg_key redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 415.
Subroutine search_gpg_keys redefined at /usr/local/webmin/webmin/ line 442.

Enabling background status collection ..
PID file /var/webmin/ does not exist

Attempting to start Webmin mini web server..
Starting Webmin server in /usr/local/webmin
Pre-loaded WebminCore

Webmin has been installed and started successfully. Use your web
browser to go to


and login with the name and password you entered previously.


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