
How to Install Webmin on Ubuntu 22.04

How to Install Webmin on Ubuntu 22.04

Webmin is a popular web-based interface used for system administration on Unix-like systems, including Linux distributions such as Ubuntu. It allows administrators to manage various aspects of their servers, from…

How to Uninstall Webmin on Ubuntu

How to Uninstall Webmin on Ubuntu

Webmin is a popular web-based interface for system administration on Unix-based systems. It allows administrators to manage various aspects of their servers through a web browser. However, there might be…

How to Uninstall Webmin & Usermin on Ubuntu

How to Uninstall Webmin & Usermin on Ubuntu

Webmin and Usermin are popular web-based interfaces for system administration on Unix systems. While they offer a convenient way to manage various aspects of your web server, there might be…

How to Install Webmin on Ubuntu 14.04

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS final just released on 17th April 2014. Ubuntu 14.04 includes 3.13.0-24.46 Ubuntu Linux kernel. In this article i will show how you can install Webmin on Ubuntu…

How to Setup Webmin 1.670 on CentOS 6.5

Webmin is a freeware program that provide web-based interface for system administration and system configuration tool for administrators. Its for Unix-like systems, although recent versions can also be installed and…


How to Install Webmin 1.620-1 on CentOS 6.3

Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration on Unix or linux operating system. With webmin, you can easily manage and administer your server with minimal command line. Nowaday, many…


How to Uninstall Webmin on CentOS 6.3

To uninstall Webmin on CentOS 6.3, you’ll need to remove the installed package and its associated files, and then disable the repository used to install it. Here’s a step-by-step guide…

How to Remove Webmin from Linux CentOS/RHEL

Webmin is a popular web-based control panel that provides a graphical user interface for managing Linux systems. However, if you no longer require Webmin on your CentOS or RHEL server,…