Webmin is a open source web-based system administration tool and system configuration tool for Unix servers and services. It’s useful for linux administrator especially the Linux newbies as it can avoid misconfiguration and avoid doing mistake. Webmin can administer other services and server configuration using a web browser remotely. You can setup user accounts, Apache, MySQL, FTP. DNS, file sharing and Etc. Follow below steps to install Webmin 1.600 on Linux CentOS 6.3 Using RPM package.
1. Download required RPM file :
[root@centos63 ~]# wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.600-1.noarch.rpm
2. Add the GPG Key:
[root@centos63 ~]# rpm --import http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc
3. Install RPM version of Webmin as below :
[root@centos63 ~]# rpm -Uvh webmin-1.600-1.noarch.rpm Preparing... ########################################### [100%] Operating system is CentOS Linux 1:webmin ########################################### [100%] Webmin install complete. You can now login to http://centos63.ehowstuff.local:10000/ as root with your root password.
4. Start, Stop and Restart Webmin service :
To start :
[root@centos63 ~]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin start
To Stop :
[root@centos63 ~]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin stop Stopping Webmin server in /usr/libexec/webmin
To Restart :
[root@centos63 ~]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/webmin restart Stopping Webmin server in /usr/libexec/webmin Starting Webmin server in /usr/libexec/webmin Pre-loaded WebminCore