How to Enable mod_status Apache module on Ubuntu/CentOS

How to Enable mod_status Apache module on Ubuntu_CentOS

Apache stands as one of the most widely used and versatile options available in the world of web servers. It offers a range of modules that enhance its functionality, one of which is the mod_status module. This module provides valuable insights into server activity and performance, making it an essential tool for server administrators.

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to enable the mod_status Apache module on Ubuntu and CentOS systems.

Before we dive into the tutorial, it’s worth noting that there are several types of web servers available, each with its unique features and benefits. For a comprehensive comparison and to find the best web servers for your needs, you can check our detailed guide.

Understanding Apache mod_status Module

The Apache mod_status module provides a server administrator with insights into how well their server is performing. It presents a HTML page with current server statistics in an easily readable form.

Apache Status module – mod_status

The details provided include the number of workers serving requests, the number of idle workers, the status of each worker, the number of requests that worker has performed, the total number of bytes served by the worker, and more.

For more detailed information on the Apache server, you can refer to our in-depth article on Apache HTTP Server.

Enabling mod_status Apache Module on Ubuntu/CentOS

To enable the mod_status module on your Apache server, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Check if mod_status is enabled

First, you need to check if the mod_status module is already enabled on your Apache server. You can do this by running the following command:

apachectl -M | grep status

If the module is enabled, you will see ‘status_module (shared)’ in the output. If not, you need to enable it.

dimitri@geekapi:~# apachectl -M | grep status
status_module (shared)

Step 2: Enable mod_status

On Ubuntu, you can enable the mod_status module by running the following command:

sudo a2enmod status

On CentOS, the mod_status module is usually enabled by default. If it’s not, you can enable it by uncommenting the ‘LoadModule status_module modules/’ line in the httpd.conf file.

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Here’s how you can enable the mod_status module on CentOS by uncommenting the appropriate line in the httpd.conf file:

First, you need to open the httpd.conf file. This file is usually located in the /etc/httpd/ directory. You can open it using a text editor like vi or nano. Here’s how to do it with vi:

sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Next, you need to search for the line that loads the mod_status module. In vi, you can do this by pressing ‘/’ and then typing the part of the line you’re looking for, like so:

/LoadModule status_module

This should highlight the line ‘LoadModule status_module modules/’.

If the line is commented out (i.e., if it starts with a ‘#’), you need to uncomment it. In vi, you can do this by moving the cursor to the ‘#’ character and then pressing ‘x’. This will delete the ‘#’ character and uncomment the line.

After uncommenting the line, you need to save the changes and exit the text editor. In vi, you can do this by pressing ‘:’, then typing ‘wq’, and finally pressing ‘Enter’. This will write the changes to the file (w) and quit the text editor (q).


Finally, you need to restart your Apache server for the changes to take effect. You can do this by running the following command:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Now, the mod_status module should be enabled on your CentOS Apache server.

Step 3: Configure mod_status

To configure mod_status, you need to add a specific code block to your Apache configuration file. This block will allow status reports only for browsers from a specific domain. Here is an example:

<Location "/server-status">
 SetHandler server-status
 Require host

Replace ‘’ with your domain. After adding this block, you can access server statistics by using a web browser to access the page

Step 4: Restart Apache

After enabling and configuring the mod_status module, you need to restart your Apache server for the changes to take effect. You can do this by running the following command:

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On Ubuntu:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

On CentOS:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Now, you should be able to access the server status page at

Using mod_status for Troubleshooting

The server-status page can be used as a starting point for troubleshooting situations where your server is consuming all available resources (CPU or memory), and you wish to identify which requests or clients are causing the problem.

First, ensure that you have ExtendedStatus set on, so that you can see the full request and client information for each child or thread. Now look in your process list (using top, or similar process viewing utility) to identify the specific processes that are the main culprits. Order the output of top by CPU usage, or memory usage, depending on what problem you’re trying to address.

Reload the server-status page, and look for those process ids, and you’ll be able to see what request is being served by that process, for what client. Requests are transient, so you may need to try several times before you catch it in the act, so to speak.

This process should give you some idea of what client, or what type of requests, are primarily responsible for your load problems. Often you will identify a particular web application that is misbehaving, or a particular client that is attacking your site.

Commands Mentioned

  • apachectl -M | grep status – Checks if mod_status is enabled on your Apache server
  • sudo a2enmod status – Enables mod_status on Ubuntu
  • sudo systemctl restart apache2 – Restarts Apache server on Ubuntu
  • sudo systemctl restart httpd – Restarts Apache server on CentOS


  1. What is the Apache mod_status module?

    The Apache mod_status module is a tool that provides server administrators with insights into server activity and performance. It presents a HTML page with current server statistics in an easily readable form.

  2. How can I enable the mod_status module on Ubuntu?

    On Ubuntu, you can enable the mod_status module by running the ‘sudo a2enmod status’ command in the terminal. After enabling the module, you need to restart your Apache server for the changes to take effect.

  3. How can I enable the mod_status module on CentOS?

    On CentOS, the mod_status module is usually enabled by default. If it’s not, you can enable it by uncommenting the ‘LoadModule status_module modules/’ line in the httpd.conf file. After enabling the module, you need to restart your Apache server for the changes to take effect.

  4. How can I access the server status page?

    After enabling and configuring the mod_status module, you can access the server status page by using a web browser to visit the page Replace ‘’ with your actual server name.

  5. How can I use mod_status for troubleshooting?

    The server-status page can be used as a starting point for troubleshooting situations where your server is consuming all available resources (CPU or memory), and you wish to identify which requests or clients are causing the problem. Ensure that you have ExtendedStatus set on, so that you can see the full request and client information for each child or thread. Then, use a process viewing utility to identify the specific processes that are the main culprits. Reload the server-status page, and look for those process ids to see what request is being served by that process, for what client.

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The Apache mod_status module is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into server activity and performance. By enabling this module, server administrators can monitor their server’s performance in real-time and troubleshoot issues more effectively. This tutorial provided a step-by-step guide on how to enable the mod_status module on Ubuntu and CentOS systems.

Remember, Apache is just one of the many web servers available. Depending on your specific needs, you might find that other servers like Nginx or LiteSpeed are more suitable. Additionally, the type of hosting you choose, whether it’s dedicated server, VPS server, cloud hosting, or shared hosting, can also impact your server’s performance.

We hope this guide has been helpful. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.


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