How to Setup HAProxy with OCSP Stapling

How to Setup HAProxy with OCSP Stapling

In web hosting, ensuring the security and speed of your website is paramount. One common issue that server administrators and webmasters often face is the need to balance these two factors, especially when it comes to the handling of SSL/TLS certificates. This is where OCSP stapling comes into play, and more specifically, its implementation with HAProxy.

OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) stapling is a method used to quickly and safely determine whether an SSL/TLS certificate is valid or not. However, setting it up can be a bit complex, especially for those new to the field. That’s why we’ve created this comprehensive, step-by-step guide on how to set up HAProxy with OCSP stapling.

HAProxy, a popular open-source proxy server software, is known for its powerful load-balancing and proxy capabilities. When combined with OCSP stapling, it can provide significant benefits, such as improved website speed, enhanced security, and better SEO performance. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up HAProxy with OCSP stapling on your dedicated, VPS, or cloud hosting machine.

By following this guide, you’ll not only solve the problem of balancing security and speed but also optimize your server for better performance. This will ultimately lead to a smoother user experience and potentially higher rankings on search engine results pages.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Install HAProxy

The first step in setting up HAProxy with OCSP stapling is to install HAProxy on your server. HAProxy is a popular open-source software known for its powerful load-balancing and proxy server capabilities. It is widely used in high-availability environments due to its rich feature set and excellent performance.

To install HAProxy, you can use the following command:

sudo apt-get install haproxy

This command uses the apt-get package manager to install HAProxy. The sudo prefix is used to run this command as a superuser, which is necessary because installing software on a server typically requires administrative privileges. If you’re not logged in as a superuser, you might encounter permission issues.

Once the command is executed, the package manager will retrieve the necessary files and install HAProxy on your server. You can verify the installation by running haproxy -v, which will display the version of HAProxy that has been installed.

Step 2: Obtain the SSL Certificate Chain

To enable OCSP stapling, you’ll need the SSL certificate chain for your website. This chain includes your server certificate (also known as the end-entity certificate), any intermediate certificates, and the root certificate.

See also  How to Use HAProxy for Dynamic Load Balancing

Here’s a brief explanation of these components:

  1. The server certificate is specific to your domain and is issued by your Certificate Authority (CA).
  2. Intermediate certificates link your server certificate to the root certificate, establishing a chain of trust.
  3. The root certificate is the highest level of the chain and is issued by a trusted Certificate Authority.

You can acquire these certificates in several ways:

  • Purchase from a Certificate Authority: Companies like DigiCert, or Comodo, offer SSL certificates after verifying your domain ownership and potentially your business details.
  • Use a Free Certificate Authority: Let’s Encrypt provides domain-validated SSL certificates for free. These certificates are trusted by most browsers and are a good choice for smaller websites or personal projects.
  • Use a Hosting Provider that Offers SSL: Many web hosting providers include SSL certificates in their hosting packages. Some even offer free SSL certificates via Let’s Encrypt.

Once you have these certificates, you can combine them into a single file. This is done using the following command:

cat server.crt intermediate.crt root.crt > ssl-chain.pem

This command concatenates the server certificate, intermediate certificates, and root certificate into a single file named ssl-chain.pem. This file, containing the complete SSL certificate chain, is necessary for OCSP stapling to function correctly. It will be used later in the HAProxy configuration to enable OCSP stapling.

Step 3: Generate the OCSP Stapling File

The next step in setting up OCSP stapling with HAProxy is to generate the OCSP stapling file. This file contains the OCSP response that HAProxy will serve to clients during the SSL/TLS handshake. The OCSP response is a signed data structure that contains information about the SSL certificate’s status (i.e., whether it’s valid or revoked).

To generate the OCSP stapling file, you can use the OpenSSL command-line tool with the ocsp command. Here’s an example of how to do this:

openssl ocsp -issuer intermediate.crt -cert server.crt -url -header Host -noverify -no_nonce -respout ocsp-response.der

In this command:

  • openssl ocsp invokes the OCSP functionality of OpenSSL.
  • -issuer intermediate.crt specifies the issuer certificate, which is the intermediate certificate in this case.
  • -cert server.crt specifies the server certificate, which is the certificate for which you’re checking the revocation status.
  • -url specifies the URL of the OCSP responder, which is provided by your Certificate Authority.
  • -header Host sets the HTTP Host header in the OCSP request to the specified value. This is necessary because some OCSP responders require the Host header to be set to a specific value.
  • -noverify disables verification of the OCSP response. This is typically used for testing purposes.
  • -no_nonce disables the use of nonces in the OCSP request. Nonces are random values that are used to prevent replay attacks, but they can cause issues with some OCSP responders.
  • -respout ocsp-response.der specifies the output file for the OCSP response. The response is written to this file in DER format, which is a binary format used for storing cryptographic data.
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After running this command, you should have a file named ocsp-response.der that contains the OCSP response. This file can then be used in the HAProxy configuration to enable OCSP stapling.

Step 4: Update HAProxy Configuration

The final step in setting up OCSP stapling with HAProxy is to update the HAProxy configuration to use the OCSP stapling file. This involves adding a line to the HAProxy configuration file (/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg) that specifies the location of the SSL certificate chain and the OCSP response file.

Here’s an example of how to do this:

frontend https
    bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/ssl-chain.pem ocsp /etc/haproxy/ssl/ocsp-response.der

In this example:

  • frontend https defines a frontend named “https”. A frontend in HAProxy is a set of IP addresses and ports that clients can connect to.
  • bind *:443 specifies that HAProxy should listen on all IP addresses (*) on port 443 (the standard port for HTTPS).
  • ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/ssl-chain.pem specifies that SSL should be used, and that the SSL certificate is located at /etc/haproxy/ssl/ssl-chain.pem.
  • ocsp /etc/haproxy/ssl/ocsp-response.der specifies that OCSP stapling should be used, and that the OCSP response file is located at /etc/haproxy/ssl/ocsp-response.der.

After adding this line to the HAProxy configuration file, you need to save the file and exit the text editor. You can then restart HAProxy for the changes to take effect. The command to restart HAProxy depends on your system, but it’s typically something like sudo service haproxy restart or sudo systemctl restart haproxy.

With these changes, HAProxy is now configured to use OCSP stapling. This means that when a client connects to your server and initiates an SSL/TLS handshake, HAProxy will include the OCSP response in the handshake, thereby improving the performance of the handshake and the overall security of the connection.

Commands Mentioned:

  • sudo apt-get install haproxy – Installs HAProxy on your server.
  • sudo nano /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg – Opens the HAProxy configuration file in a text editor.
  • cat server.crt intermediate.crt root.crt > ssl-chain.pem – Concatenates the server, intermediate, and root certificates into a single file.
  • openssl ocsp -issuer intermediate.crt -cert server.crt -url -header Host -noverify -no_nonce -respout ocsp-response.der – Generates the OCSP response and saves it to a file.
  • frontend https bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/ssl-chain.pem ocsp /etc/haproxy/ssl/ocsp-response.der – Updates the HAProxy configuration to use the SSL certificate chain and the OCSP response file.
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In this tutorial, we’ve walked through the process of setting up HAProxy with OCSP stapling on your dedicated, VPS, or cloud hosting machine. By following these steps, you’ve not only improved the speed and security of your website but also optimized your server for better performance. This, in turn, can lead to a smoother user experience and potentially higher rankings on search engine results pages.

We started by installing HAProxy on your server, followed by configuring it for OCSP stapling. We then obtained the SSL certificate chain and generated the OCSP stapling file. Finally, we updated the HAProxy configuration to use the OCSP stapling file.

Remember, the key to a successful setup lies in careful execution of each step. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below. We’re here to help.


  1. What is OCSP stapling and why is it important?

    OCSP stapling is a method used to quickly and safely determine whether an SSL/TLS certificate is valid or not. It’s important because it improves website speed and security by reducing the need for clients to contact the certificate authority to verify the certificate.

  2. What is HAProxy and what are its benefits?

    HAProxy is a popular open-source software known for its powerful load-balancing and proxy server capabilities. Its benefits include improved website speed, enhanced security, and better SEO performance when combined with OCSP stapling.

  3. How does OCSP stapling work with HAProxy?

    HAProxy, when configured with OCSP stapling, can serve the OCSP response to clients. This eliminates the need for clients to contact the certificate authority, thus improving website speed and security.

  4. What is the SSL certificate chain?

    The SSL certificate chain includes the server certificate, intermediate certificates, and the root certificate. These are required for OCSP stapling to work.

  5. What if I encounter issues while setting up HAProxy with OCSP stapling?

    If you encounter any issues while setting up HAProxy with OCSP stapling, you can leave a comment on our HAProxy guide. Our team is always ready to assist you.


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