How to Turn Off or Disable Output Buffering for php.ini on PHP 5.3.2

In PHP, output buffering is a performance-enhancing feature that also enables a few clever tricks. PHP sends a buffer to the browser every time it reaches the number of bytes specified by the ‘output_buffering’ option. By turning on output buffering, the time taken to download and render HTML is reduced as it’s not being sent to the browser in pieces while PHP processes the HTML. However, there may be instances where you need to disable this feature.

This guide will walk you through the process of disabling output buffering for php.ini on PHP 5.3.2. This procedure has been tested and verified on a Red Hat Linux Enterprise 6 (RHEL 6) server, but it should also work on other versions such as CentOS 5.1 to 5.7, CentOS 6.x, and RHEL 5.x.

Step 1: Access the php.ini File

The first step in this process is to open the /etc/php.ini file. You can do this by using the ‘vi’ command as shown below:

<root@rhel6 ~># vi /etc/php.ini

In PHP 5.3.2, the ‘output_buffering’ directive is set to ‘enabled’ or ‘On’ with a buffer size of 4096 by default. This setting is located on line 264 of the /etc/php.ini file:

output_buffering = 4096

Step 2: Disable Output Buffering

To disable or turn off output buffering, you need to comment out line 264 as shown below:

;output_buffering = 4096

By adding a semicolon at the beginning of the line, you effectively disable the ‘output_buffering’ directive.

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Step 3: Restart the httpd Service

After making the necessary changes to the php.ini file, don’t forget to restart the httpd service for the changes to take effect immediately. You can do this by using the ‘service’ command as shown below:

<root@rhel6 ~># service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: [ OK ]

Commands Mentioned

  • vi /etc/php.ini – Opens the php.ini file for editing
  • service httpd restart – Restarts the httpd service, applying any changes made to the php.ini file


Disabling output buffering in PHP can be a necessary step depending on the requirements of your application. While output buffering can improve performance by sending data to the browser in larger chunks, there are instances where real-time output is needed, making it necessary to disable this feature.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily disable output buffering for php.ini on PHP 5.3.2. Remember, any changes made to the php.ini file require a restart of the httpd service to take effect.

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For more insights into different web servers, you can explore our articles on Apache, Nginx, and LiteSpeed.

Always remember, the key to efficient web administration is understanding the tools at your disposal and how to effectively use them.


  1. What is output buffering in PHP?

    Output buffering in PHP is a mechanism that controls how output data is sent to the browser. Instead of sending data to the browser in pieces as PHP processes the HTML, output buffering sends data every time it reaches a certain buffer size, improving performance.

  2. How do I disable output buffering in PHP 5.3.2?

    To disable output buffering in PHP 5.3.2, you need to edit the php.ini file. Locate the line that reads ‘output_buffering = 4096’ and comment it out by adding a semicolon at the beginning of the line. It should then read ‘;output_buffering = 4096’. Don’t forget to restart the httpd service for the changes to take effect immediately.

  3. What happens when I disable output buffering in PHP?

    When you disable output buffering in PHP, data is sent to the browser in pieces as PHP processes the HTML, instead of being sent every time it reaches a certain buffer size. This might affect the performance of your PHP application, but it can be necessary in certain situations, such as when you need real-time output.

  4. Why would I need to disable output buffering in PHP?

    There could be several reasons to disable output buffering in PHP. For instance, if you’re working on a real-time application that requires immediate output, output buffering could cause delays. Additionally, if you’re debugging your code, disabling output buffering can help you see the output as it’s generated, rather than all at once at the end of the script execution.

  5. What does the ‘service httpd restart’ command do?

    The ‘service httpd restart’ command is used to restart the httpd service in a Linux server. This is often necessary after making changes to configuration files, such as the php.ini file, to ensure that the changes take effect immediately.


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