How to Uninstall Froxlor on Ubuntu

How to Uninstall Froxlor on Ubuntu

Froxlor is a server management panel that allows webmasters and system administrators to manage domains, emails, FTP accounts, and more. While it’s a powerful tool, there may come a time when you no longer need it or want to switch to a different solution.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to uninstall Froxlor from your Ubuntu server.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Backup Your Data

Before making any significant changes to your server, especially uninstalling software like Froxlor, it’s imperative to ensure that all your essential data is safely backed up. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the backup process:

1.1: Backup Website Files

All your website files, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and media files, should be backed up. Use the rsync command or scp to copy files to a safe location:

rsync -avz /var/www/html/ [backup-location]

Replace [backup-location] with the path where you want to store the backup.

1.2: Backup Databases

If you have databases managed through Froxlor, back them up using mysqldump for MySQL/MariaDB databases:

mysqldump -u [username] -p[password] [database_name] > [backup-location]/[database_name].sql

Replace [username], [password], [database_name], and [backup-location] with appropriate values.

1.3: Backup Email Configurations

If you’re using Froxlor to manage email accounts, ensure you back up the email configurations and data:

rsync -avz /var/mail/ [backup-location]/mail/

1.4: Backup Custom Configuration Files

Over time, you might have customized configurations for web servers, PHP, or other services. Ensure you back up these configurations:

rsync -avz /etc/apache2/ [backup-location]/apache2/
rsync -avz /etc/php/ [backup-location]/php/

1.5: Store Backups Safely

Once all backups are taken, consider compressing them for efficient storage:

tar -czvf froxlor-backup.tar.gz [backup-location]

Also, consider transferring this backup to an external storage solution or cloud storage for added safety.

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1.6: Verify Backups

Before proceeding with the uninstallation, ensure that your backups are complete and not corrupted. You can do this by trying to access some files or by restoring a small portion of the backup to a test environment.

Step 2: Stop the Froxlor Service

Before uninstalling, ensure that the Froxlor service is stopped:

sudo systemctl stop froxlor

Step 3: Remove Froxlor Packages

To remove Froxlor and its associated packages, use the following command:

sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove froxlor

Step 4: Remove Froxlor Databases

If you’re sure you won’t need the Froxlor databases anymore, you can remove them. First, log in to your MySQL/MariaDB server:

mysql -u root -p

Then, drop the Froxlor database:


Exit the MySQL/MariaDB prompt:


Step 5: Remove Froxlor User and Group

If Froxlor created a specific user and group, you might want to remove them for security reasons:

sudo userdel -r froxloruser
sudo groupdel froxlorgroup

Replace froxloruser and froxlorgroup with the actual names if they’re different.

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Step 6: Clean Up Remaining Files

Search for any remaining Froxlor files and directories:

sudo find / -name froxlor

Manually delete any relevant directories or files that appear in the results.

Commands Mentioned

  • sudo systemctl stop froxlor – Stops the Froxlor service.
  • sudo apt-get purge –auto-remove froxlor – Removes Froxlor and its associated packages.
  • mysql -u root -p – Logs into the MySQL/MariaDB server.
  • DROP DATABASE froxlor; – Deletes the Froxlor database.
  • sudo userdel -r froxloruser – Removes the Froxlor user.
  • sudo groupdel froxlorgroup – Removes the Froxlor group.
  • sudo find / -name froxlor – Searches for remaining Froxlor files and directories.


  1. Why might someone want to uninstall Froxlor?

    There could be several reasons, including switching to a different server management panel, facing compatibility issues, or simply not requiring its functionalities anymore.

  2. Is it essential to back up data before uninstalling?

    Absolutely. It’s crucial to ensure that no critical data is lost during the uninstallation process.

  3. Can I reinstall Froxlor after uninstalling?

    Yes, you can reinstall Froxlor anytime after uninstalling. However, ensure you have backups if you want to restore previous configurations.

  4. Are there alternatives to Froxlor?

    Yes, there are several server management panels available, such as cPanel, Plesk, and Webmin, each with its own set of features and capabilities.

  5. Is it safe to remove the Froxlor user and group?

    If you’re sure you won’t be using Froxlor again and have backed up essential data, it’s safe to remove the Froxlor user and group for security reasons.

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Uninstalling Froxlor from your Ubuntu server is a straightforward process, but it’s essential to proceed with caution. Always ensure you’ve backed up critical data before making significant changes to your server.

If you’re considering other hosting solutions after uninstalling Froxlor, explore the differences between dedicated server hosting, VPS hosting, cloud hosting, and shared hosting. Each hosting type offers unique features and benefits, so it’s crucial to choose the one that aligns best with your needs.

Remember, while Froxlor is an excellent server management panel, it’s not the only option available. Depending on your requirements, another panel or hosting solution might be more suitable. Always keep security in mind when making changes to your server, and ensure you have a reliable backup and recovery strategy in place.

If you ever decide to reinstall Froxlor or any other server management panel in the future, ensure you follow best practices for installation and configuration. This will not only optimize performance but also ensure the security and stability of your server environment.

Thank you for following this guide. We hope it provided clarity on uninstalling Froxlor from your Ubuntu server.


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