If you are a webmaster, you must be aware of shared hosting plans which are the least expensive method of hosting your site. Web hosting providers offer this service because you are only using a small amount of disc space and bandwidth shared with others. One issue with shared hosting is they typically only allow one domain under one account.
For those with only one website, this is not a problem. However, if you plan to expand and create a network of websites, this will be an issue. Instead of opening a new account for each site (which can become quite expensive), web hosting providers offer packages that allow you to host all websites under the same account. This is known as multiple domain hosting.
This will save you a great deal of money by allowing more flexibility with your sites without the extra fees. The types of websites you build are up to your discretion but generally the content should be related in some manner. That way it is much smoother when linking to your other sites and they will achieve a higher page rank.
Many multiple domain hosting providers offer Fantastico. This allows you to easily develop different types of websites including:
- Classified ads
- Blogs
- Online directories
To keep the process as inexpensive as possible, you can register additional domain names through GoDaddy.com. They are among the cheapest on the internet. Once registered, acquire your DNS address and click on the “add-on domain” in your control panel. Then fill in the blanks with the new domains. Once complete, it takes approximately 48 hours for new websites to be recognized on the internet.
Other attributes you will want to setup in your new host include specific email addresses, databases, FTP accounts and subdirectories for each of your domains. Multiple domain name hosting plans usually start around $10 per month which is significantly cheaper than hosting each domain on a different account.
Multiple domain hosting is a wonderful option if you plan to expand your website to a network of sites. This is the cheapest, most efficient option available to those with growing needs. All major web hosting providers offer multiple domain hosting plans. It is always beneficial to conduct research and comparison shop prior to selecting a provider. This will ensure you will receive the best possible service to fulfill all of your business needs.