Sameva Inc., provider of innovative business solutions and information technology services, recently announced a new mobile content management system named Xhibeo. This software allows publishers to manage website content from any location and implement it on a variety of devices including; iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, eReaders, notebooks and tablets. This content management system presents a large amount of flexibility for its users.
Features of the Content Management System
The best features of the software include; the creation and management of an unlimited number of web pages, full integration with current systems, hosting and publishing facilities, a single adaptation to brand identity within a business and automatic timing and control of website content. Other features comprise; handset subsystem administrative functions, administrative reporting and tools, advertisement management and configurable interfaces.
Improving Businesses
There are a variety of ways Xhibeo can be beneficial to businesses. For instance, the content management system can help website owners monetize through branding. Also, the software allows for a customizable viewing experience. Additionally, users are able to manage multiple devices. Furthermore, owners will be able to build deeper relationships with their customers. Finally, high-quality applications are available to all users.
Monetization through Branding
The Xhibeo content management system presents users with a way to connect with a specified customer base from anywhere in the world. This gives users the ability to create and deliver rich, engaging media to a self-selected targeted audience thus improving traffic, sales and overall profit.
Customized Viewing Experience
Once again, Xhibeo can be used to conduct the functions of a content management system from anywhere in the world. Therefore, publishers will be able to create a brand experience for their customers who connect using a mobile device to view the content. All pages will be properly formatted for easy readability.
Manage Several Devices
As previously mentioned, Xhibeo features cross-platform solutions like administrative tools and other resources to connect to the target audience. The ability to deploy native applications across many devices while managing them on a single, centralized mobile interface is impressive.
Building Deeper Relationships
To build deeper relationships utilizing this content management system, users can push geographically targeted notifications, messages and advertisements to the customers of that region. This will unlock opportunities taking the business to the next level.
Deploying Applications
Applications can be found everywhere, from televisions to mobile devices; they streamline the most common tasks. Xhibeo is no different. By offering quality apps for all devices, users will no longer need to download each smartphone SDK to ensure compatibility.
Xhibeo is one of many excellent mobile content management systems to recently enter the marketplace. The future of mobile organization and content management and implementation is here.