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I heart Etsy

The Dawning of the Age of Etsy

“I spent the morning reorganizing my board on pinterest. I feel like I really accomplished something.” Those are the words of  the social media customer, your next customer. These are…

Web Site Or Facebook? Depends On Your Needs!

There’s always discussion as to what is the best way to present your product or services to prospective clients. A company without a web site is rare. Only the smallest…

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The Importance of Websites and Web Design

Websites and web design is crucial for all business owners. Most businesses have a website for their business. With the advances in technology, most people use the Internet these days…

Web Design: Do it Yourself or Outsource?

When you are creating and developing your own website, you will find out that web design is very important. The web design is what makes your website stand out from…

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Choosing a Web Hosting Company

There are number of factors that are to be considered while choosing a company for posting your web site. Internet marketing is one of the most growing businesses these days….