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The Basics of Starting a Blog

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Web Hosting Geek

In order to host your first blog, you must plan thoroughly as there are so many different options available. Some bloggers host their own site, while others host from their computer. The latter method saves money and allows for complete customization and control. Despite these few advantages, web hosting has become inexpensive so it’s best to leave it to the professionals.

Free Blogging Software

The majority of blog owners choose WordPress for their blogging software. WordPress provides endless features and is free. The program is resource-intensive but usually isn’t an issue unless the site receives a high volume of traffic.

The installation of WordPress is a breeze, even for a newbie to the blogging industry. If this proves to be too difficult, there are free blogging services offered at and A major advantage of these two sites is they are easily indexed by search engines so all information is available during a search very quickly.

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Make it an Experience

The whole process of blog creation and hosting is an experience. You take different steps and build on those that precede them. Nothing in the blogging process is permanent so feel free to experiment with different combinations of features. Also, adding high-quality content is the key to having your blog be viewed by many visitors.

Treat your blog as something that’s important but not complex. Little technical knowledge is needed to start a blog; you just need an idea, commitment and a computer. Once you have the site running, it’s up to you where you want to take it. Many individuals blog to release frustrations, discuss an important topic or monetize their site in an attempt to make money.

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Once you acquire your first reader and begin to build a subscriber base, you’ll be on the right path toward achieving your goals. As traffic increases, consider upgrading your hosting plan to accommodate.

An Overview of the Steps

To get started, register your own domain name, and don’t use a free service. This allows for complete control over every aspect of your blog. There is a free tool called that allows unlimited domain availability checks instantly.

Begin with a shared hosting plan. As traffic increases, inquire with your provider the hosting plan to switch too and take it from there. Our Best Blog Web Hosting is They offer unlimited web hosting with one-click installation of WordPress. The price is only $3.95 per month.

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Luckily there are numerous sources available on the internet that can answer almost any question you have. It’s advantageous to register at blogging forums like on because there are many advanced bloggers that can further assist you. Whichever decision you make, blogs generate an exorbitant amount of traffic so your ideas will be viewed by thousands of visitors.


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