How to Update Openfiler iSCSI Storage Appliance

openfilerThis quick post will show you two method to update the Openfiler appliance. On the previous post, i have describes in details on how to setup and configure Openfiler iSCSI Storage. Openfiler is an Open Source Network Attached Storage and Storage Area Network Solution.

1. First method to update the Openfiler is from terminal or ssh session. Login as a root to Openfiler iSCSI Storage Appliance. If Internet access is available: Test connectivity to the Internet by pinging (the online source for Openfiler updates) as below :

[root@storage01 ~]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=52 time=395 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=402 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 time=403 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=52 time=408 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=52 time=405 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=52 time=409 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=6 ttl=52 time=408 ms

If Internet access is available: Update the Openfiler installation by typing conary updateall and pressing Enter.

Note: It will take quite a few minutes for the updates to be downloaded and applied.

[root@storage01 ~]# conary updateall

Examples :

[root@storage01 ~]# conary updateall
Resolving dependencies...Performing critical system updates, will then restart update.
Applying update job 1 of 2:
    Update  conary:data (2.0.35-0.1-1 -> 2.1.9-0.1-1)
Applying update job 2 of 2:
    Update  conary:python (2.0.35-0.1-1 -> 2.1.9-0.1-1)
    Update  conary:runtime (2.0.35-0.1-1 -> 2.1.9-0.1-1)
Critical update completed, rerunning command...
Applying update job 1 of 24:
    Install info-vcsa(:user)=1-1-0.1
Applying update job 2 of 24:
    Install info-nagios(:user)=0-1-0.1
Applying update job 3 of 24:
    Update  acl(:doc :lib :locale :runtime) (2.2.47_1-0.1-1 -> 2.2.47_1-0.2-1)
    Update  aoe6(:doc :runtime) (64-1-1 -> 64-2-1)
    Install arecacli(:runtime)=v1.82_81103-1-3
    Update  attr(:doc :lib :locale :runtime) (2.4.41_1-0.1-1 -> 2.4.43_1-0.1-1)
Applying update job 4 of 24:
    Update  binutils(:doc :lib :locale :runtime) ( ->
    Update  conary (2.0.35-0.1-1 -> 2.1.9-0.1-1)
    Update  curl(:doc :lib :runtime) (7.15.3-1.1-1 -> 7.15.3-1.4-1)
    Update  cyrus-sasl(:lib) (2.1.21-5.2-1 -> 2.1.21-5.3-1)
    Install ddless(:doc :runtime)=1.3-1-1
Applying update job 5 of 24:
    Update  dhclient(:lib :runtime) (3.0.2-2.2-1 -> 3.0.7-0.4-1)
    Update  e2fsprogs(:data :doc :lib :locale :runtime) (1.40.8-0.2-1 -> 1.41.8-0.1-1)
    Update  ethtool(:doc :runtime) (/ -> /
    Update  gzip(:runtime) (1.3.5-4-0.1 -> 1.3.5-4.1-1)
Applying update job 6 of 24:
    Update  hwdata(:data :doc) (0.217-1.0.2-1 -> 0.225-0.0.2-1)
    Install hwdata:runtime=0.225-0.0.2-1
    Update  icu(:data :lib) (3.4-5.1-1 -> 3.4-5.2-1)
    Update  initscripts(:doc :locale :runtime) (8.12-8.18.4-1 -> 8.12-8.18.5-1)
    Install iperf(:doc :runtime)=2.0.4-1-0.1
Applying update job 7 of 24:
    Install iscsi-scst(:doc :runtime)=r1462-2-1
    Update  iscsi_trgt(:doc :runtime) (0.4.17-1-1 -> 1.4.19-2-1)
    Install kernel(:build-tree :configs :runtime :vmware)=[~!kernel.pae,~kernel.smp]
Applying update job 8 of 24:
    Update  krb5(:config :data :doc :lib :runtime) (1.4.1-7.9-1 -> 1.4.1-7.10-1)
    Update  krb5-server(:config :doc :runtime) (1.4.1-7.9-1 -> 1.4.1-7.10-1)
    Update  krb5-services(:config :doc :runtime) (1.4.1-7.9-1 -> 1.4.1-7.10-1)
Applying update job 9 of 24:
    Update  krb5-workstation(:doc :runtime) (1.4.1-7.9-1 -> 1.4.1-7.10-1)
    Update  kudzu(:python :runtime) ( ->
    Update  lighttpd(:doc :lib :runtime) (1.4.20-0.1-1 -> 1.4.20-0.3-1)
    Update  lshw(:data :doc :runtime) (02.07-1.0.2-1 -> 02.14-0.0.1-1)
Applying update job 10 of 24:
    Install lsof(:doc :runtime)=4.75-3-0.1
    Update  module-init-tools(:doc :runtime) (/ -> /
    Update  myri-firmware(:doc :lib :runtime) (v1.4.29-1-1[is: x86] -> 1.4.48b-1-1)
Applying update job 11 of 24:
    Update  net-snmp(:data :doc :lib :perl :runtime) (5.4.1-5.0.2-1 -> 5.4.1-5.3.1-1)
    Update  net-snmp-client(:data :doc :lib :runtime) (5.4.1-5.0.2-1 -> 5.4.1-5.3.1-1)
    Update  net-snmp-server(:data :doc :runtime) (5.4.1-5.0.2-1 -> 5.4.1-5.3.1-1)
Applying update job 12 of 24:
    Update  nfs-client(:doc :runtime) (1.0.10-4.6-1 -> 1.1.4-2.4-1)
    Update  nfs-server(:doc :lib :runtime) (1.0.10-4.6-1 -> 1.1.4-2.4-1)
    Update  nfs-utils(:doc :runtime) (1.0.10-4.6-1 -> 1.1.4-2.4-1)
    Update  open-iscsi(:doc :runtime) (/ -> /
    Update  openssh(:runtime) (4.9p1-0.1-1 -> 5.3p1-0.3-1)
Applying update job 13 of 24:
    Update  openssh-client(:doc :runtime) (4.9p1-0.1-1 -> 5.3p1-0.3-1)
    Update  openssh-server(:doc :runtime) (4.9p1-0.1-1 -> 5.3p1-0.3-1)
    Update  openssl(:config :data :lib :runtime) (0.9.7f-10.13-1[is: x86(~!i686)] -> 0.9.7f-10.16-1[is: x86(~!i686)])
Applying update job 14 of 24:
    Update  parted(:doc :lib :locale :runtime) (1.6.22-4.1.5-1 -> 1.6.22-4.1.6-1)
    Update  pciutils(:doc :runtime) (2.1.99-12-0.1 -> 2.2.3-7.1-1)
    Update  python(:lib :runtime) (2.4.1-20.17-1 -> 2.4.1-20.18-1)
    Update  qla-firmware(:lib :runtime) (/[is: x86] -> /
    Install qla-firmware:doc=2010205-0.0.1-1
Applying update job 15 of 24:
    Update  samba(:data :lib :runtime) (3.2.7-0.0.1-3 -> 3.4.5-0.0.1-1)
    Update  samba-client(:lib :runtime) (3.2.7-0.0.1-3 -> 3.4.5-0.0.1-1)
    Update  samba-server(:runtime) (3.2.7-0.0.1-3 -> 3.4.5-0.0.1-1)
    Update  scstadmin(:doc :perl :runtime) (1.0.0.x-5-1 -> r1411-1-1)
Applying update job 16 of 24:
    Update  sendmail(:doc :lib :runtime) (8.13.7-0.3-1[sasl] -> 8.13.7-0.4-1[sasl])
    Update  strace(:doc :perl :runtime) (4.5.12-2-0.1 -> 4.5.18-0.1-1)
    Install traceroute(:doc :runtime)=1.4a12-4-0.1
    Install userspace-kernel-firmware(:runtime)=[~!kernel.pae,~kernel.smp]
Applying update job 17 of 24:
    Install autodir(:doc :lib :runtime)=0.99.9-2-1
    Install xfsdump(:doc :runtime)=3.0.1-0.0.1-1
    Update  xfsprogs(:doc :lib :runtime) (/ -> /
    Install xfsprogs:locale=3.0.1-0.0.2-1
Applying update job 18 of 24:
    Install autofs(:doc :lib :runtime)=4.1.4-5-0.1
    Update  bind(:lib) (9.3.4_P1-0.7-1[ipv6,~!pie,ssl] -> 9.4.3_P5-1.1-1)
    Update  bind-utils(:doc :runtime) (9.3.4_P1-0.7-1[ipv6,~!pie,ssl] -> 9.4.3_P5-1.1-1)
    Erase   device-mapper:doc=1.02.24-2-1
    Erase   device-mapper:runtime=1.02.24-2-1
    Update  lvm2:doc (2.02.34-1-1 -> 2.02.47-1-1)
Applying update job 19 of 24:
    Install device-mapper-multipath:lib=0.4.8-0.3-1
    Update  drbd(:doc :lib :runtime) (8.2.7-2-1[~!xen] -> 8.3.7-1-1)
    Install drbd:data=8.3.7-1-1
    Install drbdlinks(:doc :lib :runtime)=1.18-3-1
    Install libaio(:lib)=0.3.106-3-0.1
    Update  lvm2:lib (2.02.34-1-1 -> 2.02.47-1-1)
Applying update job 20 of 24:
    Erase   device-mapper(:lib)=1.02.24-2-1
    Update  device-mapper-multipath(:doc :runtime) (0.4.7-1.1-1 -> 0.4.8-0.3-1)
    Update  lvm2(:runtime) (2.02.34-1-1 -> 2.02.47-1-1)
    Install man:lib=1.6-5.1.1-1
    Erase   man:locale=1.6-5-0.1
    Update  nut(:data :doc :runtime) (2.2.0-5-1 -> 2.2.2-5-1)
    Install nut:lib=2.2.2-5-1
[initscript] Stopping clvm:[FAILED]

Applying update job 21 of 24:
    Install nagios-plugins(:runtime)=1.4.10-1.1-1
    Install nrpe(:doc :runtime)=2.12-4.1-1
    Install postgresql(:lib)=8.1.19-0.1-1
    Install udev:lib=116-4.2.6-1
    Install util-linux-ng:data=2.16-0.0.3-1
Applying update job 22 of 24:
    Update  man(:doc :runtime) (/ -> /
    Update  mkinitrd(:doc :runtime) (4.2.15-16.13.6-2 -> 4.2.15-16.13.9-1)
    Update  ntp(:runtime) (4.2.4p6-1.1-1 -> 4.2.4p7-0.1-1)
    Update  openfiler:runtime (r1584-3-1 -> r1653-1-1)
    Update  shadow:runtime (/ -> /
    Update  udev:runtime (/[~!selinux] -> /
    Install util-linux-ng-extras:runtime=2.16-0.0.3-1
    Install util-linux-ng:config=2.16-0.0.3-1
    Install util-linux-ng:runtime=2.16-0.0.3-1
    Erase   util-linux:runtime=2.12r-1.6-1
[openfiler] changing group /etc/shadow

[openfiler] Stopping openfiler: [  OK  ]

[openfiler] Starting openfiler: [  OK  ]

[openfiler] enabling / starting default services


[openfiler] Shutting down Winbind services: [FAILED]

[openfiler] Starting Winbind services: [  OK  ]

[openfiler] Stopping portmapper: [  OK  ]

[openfiler] Starting portmapper: [  OK  ]

[openfiler] Stopping NFS statd: [  OK  ]

[openfiler] Starting NFS statd: [  OK  ]

[openfiler] Stopping atd: [  OK  ]

[openfiler] Starting atd: [  OK  ]

[openfiler] disabling nscd service

[openfiler] Stopping nscd: [FAILED]

Applying update job 23 of 24:
    Update  openfiler(:doc) (r1584-3-1 -> r1653-1-1)
    Update  shadow (/ -> /
    Install shadow:doc=4.0.7-14.3.1-1
    Install shadow:locale=4.0.7-14.3.1-1
    Update  udev(:data :doc) (/[~!selinux] -> /
    Erase   util-linux(:data)=2.12r-1.6-1
    Install util-linux-ng=2.16-0.0.3-1
    Install util-linux-ng-extras(:doc :supdoc)=2.16-0.0.3-1
Applying update job 24 of 24:
    Update  group-core (2.3-16-4[~!kernel.pae,~kernel.smp,~proftpd.auth_pam,~proftpd.ifsession,~proftpd.ipv6,~proftpd.rewrite,~proftpd.tls,sasl is: x86(~!sse2)] -> 2.3-36-3[~!kernel.pae,~kernel.smp,~proftpd.auth_pam,~proftpd.ifsession,~proftpd.ipv6,~proftpd.rewrite,~proftpd.tls,sasl is: x86(~!sse2)])
    Update  group-openfiler (2.3-16-4[~!kernel.pae,~kernel.smp,~proftpd.auth_pam,~proftpd.ifsession,~proftpd.ipv6,~proftpd.rewrite,~proftpd.tls,sasl is: x86(~!sse2)] -> 2.3-36-3[~!kernel.pae,~kernel.smp,~proftpd.auth_pam,~proftpd.ifsession,~proftpd.ipv6,~proftpd.rewrite,~proftpd.tls,sasl is: x86(~!sse2)])

Reboot the Openfiler appliance :

[root@storage01 ~]# shutdown -r now

2. You also can do update from Openfiler GUI as below :

See also  How to Convert Provisioning Thin to Thick VMware Disk

Login to Openfiler GUI –> Select the System tab –> Click System Update –> Finally click Launch system update.


1 Comment

  • Avatar for Robert K Robert K says:

    What about this one. You seem to have covered them except:

    Install qla-firmware:doc=2010205-0.0.1-1
    Applying update job 16 of 26:
    Update samba(:data :lib :runtime) (3.2.6-0.0.1-1 -> 3.4.5-0.0.1-1)
    Update samba-client(:lib :runtime) (3.2.6-0.0.1-1 -> 3.4.5-0.0.1-1)
    Update samba-server(:runtime) (3.2.6-0.0.1-1 -> 3.4.5-0.0.1-1)
    Update scstadmin(:doc :perl :runtime) (1.0.0.x-5-1 -> r1411-1-1)
    Insufficient permission to access repository via

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