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Domain Names

domain name registration

The Benefits of Buying an Existing Domain Name

Domain names come and go, get activated and deactivated, renewed and expired. These processes occur thousands of times per day throughout the year. Domain names are a vital aspect of…

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Buying Aged and Recently Expired Domains

Finding a good domain name in this day and age is nearly impossible, as each day hundreds of them are bought by people around the world. Unfortunately, most of these…

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Rules for Choosing a Great Domain Name

Domain name selection is particularly important when starting an online business. This is the website address that is going to represent the company and convey the content of the site….

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How to Obtain a Free Web Domain

Although registering domain names is a cheap and easy process, many people simply don’t want to make an investment until they are sure they know what they are doing. Thus,…

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Domain Names and Search Engine Optimization

Many people don’t understand how crucial domain names are to effective search engine optimization. A domain name is capable of changing the entire fate of an online business, and this…

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Why a Longer Domain Name Not be a Bad Idea

When it comes to choosing a domain name, one golden rule of thumb is to keep your selection short and simple.  However, there are some instances in which the longer…