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CMS: Creatively Maintaining Sites with a Content Management System

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Web Hosting Geek

Running an online business can be very confusing, especially when considering how many tasks there are for the average business owner to complete on a daily basis. For this reason the website building industry has become a diverse market filled with a variety of different expertise fields, each one playing an important role in the success of a single website. You have web designers that specialize in improving the overall appearance of the website, programmers that specialize in writing code and creating web applications to boost the productivity of a website, freelance authors that populate the website with informative content, and various other experts that come together to form a collective effort towards the progression of the website.

Unfortunately, many website owners simply don’t have the money to outsource as much work as they’d like. Leaving them to handle a lot of the manual work involved with building and maintaining a website in solitude. Somewhere along the line, the immense amount of work it takes to create and maintain the project, deducts from the amount of creative fervor the website owner has.

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Reducing Workload – Increasing Creativity

It’s a vicious cycle – the more you work, the less you’re able to conceptualize. As your creativity decreases, you have to work harder to maintain productivity, which ultimately is affected regardless of your efforts. The only way to stop this process is to reduce the workload you place on yourself, and as the old saying goes “Work smarter, not harder!”

Perhaps the easiest way to boost productivity, maximize creativity and improve the overall appearance and functionality of your website, is to use a capable content management system. Content management systems streamline the website creation and maintenance process by giving the user access to multiple user-oriented work modules. With a good content management system, users can automate content production and population, schedule tedious maintenance tasks, and even outsource work more efficiently than ever.

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Outsourcing In Full

What is outsourcing? Outsourcing work is essentially defined as – delegating duties to employees. Sadly, most business owners who believe they are outsourcing work, are only partially doing so, as they still have to upload the work to the site once their employees send it in. While this doesn’t seem like much of a task, surely the individual that has to upload three hundred articles to various pages on his website would not agree. With a good content management system, you can outsource the uploading process to the very same employees that are responsible for producing the content, by assigning specific permissions to each employee. For example, one employee might be able to upload text, while another might only have permission to upload video content.

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Focus on the Fun

It is common knowledge that those who engage in practices they enjoy, will ultimately be more successful at those practices. It can be very difficult to enjoy the production and progression of your website if you are constantly focusing on menial tasks. Using a solid CMS to outsource and boost productivity is a great way to restore the fun of building your business.


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