As you probably know, having a website is the best way to establish your presence online. However, though you might hit a few bumps along the way, actually building the site is the easiest part. Generating traffic is an entirely different story. If you are in the midst of promoting, it is crucial to know how many people are visiting your site and where those visitors are coming from. Because traffic is so critical to your longevity, analyzing website statistics should be a practice you incorporate into your regular routine. This will help you better determine the popularity of your site, figure out what search engine visitors they are coming from and much more.
cPanel’s Website Analyzation Tools
There are a number of programs that will allow you to view and analyze your website statistics. Believe it or not, some of the best tools are included free in many of today’s web hosting packages. You are sure to find a nice blend of applications in any hosting plan that offers cPanel, the most popular control panel on the market. cPanel generally offers these three web stat programs: Analog, AwStats and Webalizer. While they all help you analyze web traffic, each has its own unique features and capabilities. Best of all, each application is incredibly easy to use and provide in-depth insight on your statistics.
The Webalizer program delivers your site stats in comprehensive graphical form. It shows you information on the people that visited your site on a month by month format. Though very useful, these are basic statistics and just a quick way to analyze web traffic. If you want more detailed information on your visitors, utilizing the other statistical programs is highly recommended.
Both Analog and Awstats offer different presentations than Webalizer. Many view Analog as the more complex of all three, mainly because it is a text-based solution that requires you to visually process a considerable amount of data. Analog provides a lot of information about your site so on first glance, it can be a little intimidating. On the other hand, this application provides essential details about your visitors. More than likely, the stats that could help you the most can be found with Analog.
Awstats is perhaps the most popular and user-friendly of the web stat applications in cPanel. This program gives you tons of information about your visitors, such as where they originated from in host terms and country, the amount of time they spend on your site, what browser they used and other important details. You can also learn how many hits your pages received, how many times your files were accessed and much more. Although it may take a couple of minutes to get familiar with the interface, finding the information is made easier by the colorful graphics and simplistic layout.
cPanel has many great qualities and this suite of web stat programs is just one of many. By utilizing the applications mentioned in this article, you can gather valuable insight about your promotion tactics, and find out what is and what is not working. When it comes to gauging site traffic, cPanel is an extremely valuable tool.