Before hosting a web site on a web server so that millions around the world can view your site, a lot of efforts is made to provide the site with a good content. Experts are hired to provide a good and meaningful content to a site. A meaningful content attracts a user and provides him the necessary information. Millions of dollars are spent so as to promote a site. To continuously get traffic to a site, various techniques are practiced.
Advertisements are posted on the websites, and the sites earn a large amount of money from these advertisements. Companies today pay quite a sum of money to increase the ranking of their site. Apart from advertisements and promotions, a quality web hosting server is a necessity. Web hosting is a technique that facilitates the servers to host the site.
There are a number of companies that provide web hosting facility to users. Some of them provide the service for free while others charge you. However, it is advisable that you select a paid web hosting service as you will be provided with customer service and uptime guarantee, which is not the case with service providers that provide the facility for free. Also, if a person requires saving a large number of images and graphics, a free service will not serve the purpose. There are various kinds of web hosting, they are:
* Reseller hosting
* E-mail hosting
* Clustered hosting
* Free hosting
* File hosting
* Game server hosting
* Shared hosting
* Video hosting
* Blog hosting
* Image hosting
* Wiki farms
* Guild hosting
* DNS hosting
Since there are several web hosting companies available, you should select the best web hosting service provider. Narrow down the number of service providers as per your need and budget. The most important point to be kept in mind is not to subscribe for the feature that you may not use. It is advisable that you read blogs and web hosting reviews on the Internet. It will give you a true picture of the quality of the services provided by web hosts service providers.
The sites give rankings to a number of service providers on the basis of the feedbacks provided by the users.
Other factors that must be considered while subscribing to a web service provider are:
* reputation
* server space
* control panel
* bandwidth
* script access
* support
The service providers should be compared on the basis of their customer service support staff, traffic, price and space. The additional features differ from one provider to another. It is recommended that you select the company that suits your needs instead of selecting a top web hosting service provider that may or may not be affordable.
There is a very high possibility that you may face problems in the web hosting process. In such a case, only a company that provides 24 hour customer service will be useful. Server space and bandwidth should be considered as per your usage. It is important to choose a good quality web hosting service provider as it increases effectiveness of your organization.