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Parallel’s Plesk: Flexibility and Functionality

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Web Hosting Geek

Plesk is quickly becoming recognized as a competitor to cPanel due to it’s compatibility and simplicity, being one of the only control panels compatible with both Windows and Linux. Plesk is also compatible with virtually any hosting environment, making it a suitable solution for many online business owners looking to expand in the near future. Learning to use a control panel efficiently can be difficult, so many users would rather stick with one control panel when they transfer to a new web host. Plesk gives users the ability to do so, saving them the time and frustration of learning to use a new control panel.  Due to this flexibility, Plesk is being adopted by many web hosts as their default control panel.

The Simplicity of Plesk

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Plesk is  suitable solution for the shared hosting environment because it incorporates the functionality of a mutli-tiered administrative interface with the simplicity of a single module. Web hosts find these features particularly useful because they can manage the demands of infinite domains within a single  management interface. Even the most novice administrators can create and manage accounts on the server with ease, which decreases the need for customer service on behalf of the web hosting provider. Both the user and the host benefit from this simplicity, as the user can also perform administrative tasks without the aid of a server administrator. Plesk’s expandability and unlimited control make it a perfect solution for the shared hosting environment.

The Complexity of Plesk

A simple installation and segregated modular interface make Plesk an easy to use software that can be used form the start by users with absolutely no experience. With such an incredible design, one would assume that the price of Plesk would exceed the budget of most small businesses. However, the affordability of Plesk is another reason why it is suitable for users of the dedicated hosting environment. Dedicated hosting is typically more expensive than other hosting services, so it is relieving to find an affordable control panel that can accommodate the administrative needs of a dedicated server. Plesk also lets you put all of your server space to use, by giving you the ability to expand the software through the simple installation of unlimited third party applications. Although Plesk does not cost an exuberant amount, it does provide a plethora of features for high end users and large corporations.

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The Flexibility of Plesk

Users of Virtual Private Servers also see Plesk as a viable solution because it is a compact software that doesn’t use a lot of system resources. Plesk also gives you the ability to change the design of the control panel itself with a software called Vitruozzo. This software lets users incorporate unlimited design templates into Plesk’s administrative interface, making the control panel completely customizable. Many users find that this visual adaptability decreases Plesk’s learning curve substantially.

It’s customizable nature, combined with it’s supreme compatibility with multiple operating systems and hosting environments, make Plesk a capable server management solution for almost any company.


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